12 week challenge week 9 thursday 6/15

RE: 12-Week Check-in

Hey Heidi, maybe you and Sunny can get together and help eachother clean! You can make a work out out of it! You can race to see who can clean faster! LOL Hey..anything that helps to motivate, right? ;)

I shouldn't talk...I could be doing something constructive but have chosen to sit on my arse playing in the forums since before noon!!!!:eek: :eek: :eek:
RE: 12-Week Check-in

Actually Wendy, those kinds of challenges have always been a HUGELY effective cleaning tactic for me. I used to do that with a group of women, but I have yet to find an online group that works as well as that used to. If I had a couple of online cleaning buddies, my life would be more peaceful with more tidiness about me! :)

RE: 12-Week Check-in

I'm laughing about all this talk of Wheat Thins....why do those darn things have to taste so good!! That would be a good cheat meal, a whole box of Wheat Thins. :9

RE: 12-Week Check-in

oh Heidi- please come over and help me with cleanmax--umm, uhh, i'll return the favor--or will I....}( , LOL

ummmm wheat thins w/ tuna. now i will have to make a trip to the store:9

Wendy- i don't think i will have DOMS, but my body does feel fatigued. so i know i got something out of it. i liked that she has a man showing how to do the exercise correctly before we actually did it.
RE: 12-Week Check-in

Karen...I went food shopping today. Guess what I bought!!! :p

Heidi and Sunny...The three of us can be cleanmax buddies. We can create a "cleanmax check-in" to keep each other on our toes!:) LOL
RE: 12-Week Check-in

Oh, well, uh Sunnyd, I'm just in the middle of doing my own CleanMax so I guess I'll have to help you with yours another time....;-) :p

I'm allowing myself to eat spaghetti for supper, with whole wheat pasta of course...but what a treat! No cheese though, gotta stop somewhere! :)

Wendy I'd be up for a CleanMax challenge check-in, after all it can be a workout in and of itself! :eek: Plus it helps pave a path to our workout area, or to the door so we can get to the gym! :7

RE: 12-Week Check-in

LOL Heidi!:7 What I really need help with is the bathroom. I DESPISE and DETEST cleaning bathrooms!!!x( I know what you mean about paving a path to the work out area. The room I work out in tends to get cluttered because lots of "I don't know where else to put it" or "I'm in a rush so I'm just gonna throw it in here." stuff ends up in the same room.:-( We need help girl! ;)
RE: 12-Week Check-in

Wendy- I think you and I go from this check in to the Cheetah check in enabeling one another. 17 wheat thins seems like a lot until it turns 7:00p.m. and then every bit of food somehow seems not as filling as it does during the day. I think the severing for night time should be 30 crackers.

RE: 12-Week Check-in

Yup Wendy, the dreaded bathroom. Oh and my bedroom is the "I don't know where else to put this right now" room.

And now I have to have this place lookin' like a magazine for tomorrow night when potential buyers are coming over. Good thing we actually know these people somewhat, so we can relax a little.

RE: 12-Week Check-in

Last night I went to the gym and did elliptical for 50 min and then lower body. The doms is setting in this evening. I tried to go light since I haven’t used machines in a long time, but they work the muscles different from free weights so my bum and inner thighs are getting sore.

Wendy, I hope that cough doesn’t hit you too hard. Glad to hear Joey is better

Karen, sorry to hear that Were they are least reduced fat wheat thins? Dumb question, what is buscetta? My dh is similar to yours. I will set aside cake or candy for him (so I won’t eat it all) and he will not touch it for days. When I can’t stand it anymore and decide that I will eat it, I go look for it and he says, I thought you were saving that for me. I'm like quit torturing me and eat it already then.

Heidi, are you planning on moving away from where you live now or just to a different house? Glad you like the hair cut/style. I envy you having someone who you trust and like what she does to your hair.

I’m with you guys on the coloring my own hair. I have to do it at least once every 3 weeks so I would be in the poor house if I had to pay someone. The thing I hate is that it never comes out the same, so I switch brands and color levels regularly. As for style, I let my bangs grow out this past year for the first time since seventh grade, so now I have the “Just pull it into a pony tail” ease too.

Several of you have mentioned CleanMax. I hate that one. I try to keep it out of my rotations as much as possible. LOL Maybe Itrain or Cardio Coach can make a Cleaning Series. "Now Scrub, Scrub harder, Push that vacuum, Come on now you can do it." I really wish I had that clean gene. The gene that people have who keep their house immacculant and guest worthy all the time. I feel grateful that I keep up with the dishes.

Heather, sorry to hear about the sleepless night. Hope you get to bed early tonight to make up for it.

Kathy, I would say your holding something in (water or something else LOL). Stats are great though even with the gain. HOpe you feel better soon.

Sunnydelite, I would take volunteers to help with my house too, but I think I would be too embarrassed. I told my dh that we needed a maid and he said “Why, you would clean the house before she came any way, so just do it yourself”.

Gayle, have you decided what part of your training you are changing this time around compared to the Disney training you did?

Gloria, what type of class do you teach and do you teach it at a gym or like at a rec center?

Hope everyone has a great evening.


p.s. Can someone tell me what a tempo run is?
RE: 12-Week Check-in

I reall hate cleaning bathrooms also. I am so anal, I have to clean every single, little thing. We have 3 bathrooms....x(

Jean- that is so funny. although i would still plead my case with dh.

I am food shopping tomorrow :p
RE: 12-Week Check-in

Jean- To me it looks like brusetta has onions, tomatoes and other things in it kind of like salsa but less spicy. This is the firs time I ever bought it. I usually get the salsa for my dh. Not the kind you think of in a jar. It's in the produce isle of my grocery store. It's just mostly chopped up vegs.

Tempo runs are to help build speed endurance because they force you to run hard continuously, simulating a race experience somewhat. They are made to take you to your arerobic threshold. To do a tempo run, warm up then pick up the tempo to a pace that feels hard but not as fast as an interval would be. You should still be able to sustain this for at lest 15-20 min without going over the edge like in a interval run. These workouts emphasize maintaiing speed for an extended period of time. Hope this helps. A good tempo run is a 5 min warm up and then if your on the treamill start at a point like 6.0 mph and bump it up .1 every 2 min. Then at about 7.3 I start to bump it back down by .1 every minute. Then cool down.

RE: 12-Week Check-in

Hi Jean, way to go on your sore butt and inner thighs! ;-)

We are planning to just move 20 minutes down the highway to be closer to friends, ours and the kids. We've had our house on the market since November (bad timing!) so this has been a lesson in patience!! :)

Yes I trust my hairdresser with my locks, she's the only one I ever have. I have the added bonus of her being a good friend too. She's made me feel like a million bucks today. She styled it in a new way and I love it and so does hubby.

Oh my gosh I love the Cardio Coach idea for cleaning...oh that's too funny!! And yet I'd buy something like that!

RE: 12-Week Check-in

LOL! You gals are all crackin' me up tonight!:7 :7 :7

Jean, bruschetta is DELIOUS! YUM! If anyone goes to Costco, they sell a big jar of it there that is soooo yummy!:9 :9 :9

Karen, Enable enable enable! Listen to this! I bought a pint of Dove's Belgian Dark Chocolate Mint Icecream today for DH ;) cause it was on sale. :9 I'm going to grab a bowl of cereal now so that I DON'T grab the icecream!:7 :7 :7

Sunny, THREE bathrooms!? Holy moly girl! I'd die havin' to clean THREE bathrooms! LOL I only have one. I always said I wanted atleast another half bath atleast in our next house but maybe I should re-think that now!:p
RE: 12-Week Check-in

Wendy-pass over some of that ice cream. i loooooooooove chocolate mint chip ice cream. and no amount of food would stop me from having it.}(
Yes, 3 bathrooms. i thought it was a good idea at the time of purchase. now i am rethinking.....

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