Good Morning Challengers!:7
I went to bed too early last night. Joey went up about an hour early because he missed some nap time so he was in bed by 8 and mommy followed suit!
I was tired....I apparently caught a bit of a bug from my coughing boy (his cough is about gone now!
) so I guess that was wearing on me. SO 8pm I was in bed with my 8:30 I was snoring!
But then I woke up at midnight and couldn't fall back to sleep so between coming on the forums and reading, I was up until 1:30am...actually worked out well as I got the PERFECT amount of sleep and was up at 6am this morning!
I never got my run in last night. DH ended up working O/T so I thought of bringing Joey with me as he's pretty much cough-free but like I said, I was beat and so was he so we stayed in bed instead! LOL
Today I will go and run though.
Gloria, the name of the work out I ordered from deepdiscount is Strong, Lean and Defined by Madeline Dolente.
Have a great day ladies!
I went to bed too early last night. Joey went up about an hour early because he missed some nap time so he was in bed by 8 and mommy followed suit!
I never got my run in last night. DH ended up working O/T so I thought of bringing Joey with me as he's pretty much cough-free but like I said, I was beat and so was he so we stayed in bed instead! LOL
Today I will go and run though.
Gloria, the name of the work out I ordered from deepdiscount is Strong, Lean and Defined by Madeline Dolente.
Have a great day ladies!