12,500 steps....


is how many there are in the Step, Pump, and Jump/Step Blast 90 min. premix! That's equivalent to running 6 1/4 miles!!

Last week my company started the "America on the Move" program in which those of us who were interested were given pedometers and told to try and take 2,000 extra steps a day (2,000 steps is approx. 1 mile) and cut out 100 cals. a day. Of course I can't say no to a challenge!

It's been fun to see how many steps are in certain workouts.
So far I have done Muscle Endurance which was only 1,500 steps but then again, that's a weight workout. Step Blast on it's own is 7,500 steps.

Just thought I'd share:D

Hope everyone had a fabulous holiday!

Wow Rhonda,

Now there is an interesting little tid bit that validates my sweatin' and huffin' and puffin'! So sweet of you to share that with us - who would've thought it would add up to that much steppin'!

You are all very welcome! I will post the results of other workouts as I do them.

It's alot of fun to think of it in terms of miles in steps rather than always focusing on calories burned. My pedometer is my new favorite toy!:)
I did that premix on Thanksgiving Day morning! I loved it.....but knowing it was that many steps makes me feel even better about having done it! Thanks for the info! That was a good idea!

I must confess to doing the same thing. My dd wanted me to wear her pedometer she got in school during one of my Cathe workouts.So I wore it for IMAX 2. I got 6,175 steps. Of course, her pedometer is a really cheap one so I am not sure how well it works.

Your post makes me want a real pedometer now!! :) Renee
I am planning on Imax 2 next week. My pedometer is very accurate so I will post the numbers and see how close yours were to mine :)
What a great idea! I never thought of putting on the old pedometer with a step tape! Thanks for sharing that info!

I've been wearing my pedometer for several weeks now. I haven't kept track of which workouts did what, but have noticed how easy it is to meet (and exceed) the 10,000 steps goal when I do Cathe cardio. Even Cathe strength helps a lot.
Ok gang,
I did KPC last night and that clocked in at approx. 6575 steps so about 3 1/4 miles! This is toooo much fun!

Sweet dreams,

Thanks for the posting. KP&C is on my menu for either Thursday or Friday. I'll have to see how my dd's cheap little pedometer does.
:) Renee
Let us know Renee, I am curious to see how close (or far) we come out from one another.

Tonite was Step,Pump, & Jump. Clocked in at approx. 6575 steps...3 and 1/4 miles.

Stay tuned;)
So, KPC and SJP had the exact number of steps? I wonder if Cathe planned it that way?? haha This is interesting information your posting!
Susan C.M.
I was wondering. 2,000 steps make a mile. Well, when we are taking steps with Cathe or who ever we are working out with, do they count as walking steps,jogging steps or running steps? Does that make any sense? Our hearts are working hard during these steps so does that count as walking,jogging,running or none of the above?

I did Christi's Totally Cool Step this morning. My meter counted 6,014 steps. Now I'm off to do Power Hour!! :) Renee
Hey ladies,
Susan...I didn't notice that KPC and SPJ had the same (or near the same) amount of steps! Very observant! I don't think Cathe planned it that way. Just a strange coincidence. Very interesting though. I will be doing Imax 2 shortly; we'll have to see where that one comes in.

Renee, according to my "America on the Move" book; steps are steps. My particular pedometer cannot record intensity. In other words it doesn't know a run step from a walking step from a "step" step. It just simply records steps. So of course intensity would make a huge difference as far as calorie burn etc. But one thing is very clear according to "America on the move" 2000 steps equals one mile no matter how you got there. I hope this makes sense.

Well I have more "steps" to explore in future workouts. I will let you know

Oops, I just went to double check my steps on SJP after Susan brought to my attention that KPC and SJP were the same amount of steps. Well, I looked at the wrong line on my log and SJP actually came in at 5654 steps.

Sorry guys.....I mis-read my log. By the way, while checking my log I have taken 57,877 steps since Nov. 26. Of course this includes all the steps during the day; not just workouts. It's a pretty fun program we are doing. I highly recommend it!

Take care and sorry for the mis-read.

I don't believe 2,000 steps is equal for everyone since everyone's steps are different lengths. A taller person would have a longer stride than a shorter person, so I would believe it would be more steps for the shorter person to make that mile? or is the 2,000 steps an average for people?

Interesting to wear the pedometer during workouts. I used to do that but then I thought I wasn't getting an accurate reading because of the jumping and what not, I thought maybe it was double counting but it may have been accurate because I would come out with anything between 4,000-6,000 steps during a workout. This is an interesting topic.

Rhonda in MI
Hello again. I did KP&C today with my dd's cheap pedometer. I did not do the ab work. Mine clocked in at 5,834 steps. A little off from yours! I like yours better! :) Renee
Hi Rhonda in MI,
Of course the 2000 steps is an estimate. True a very short person has a shorter stride than a taller person. But 2000 steps is just one way of measuring distance. You can check out more info on www.americaonthemove.org. (good name by the way

Renee I am about to do Imax 2 and I will let you know where the numbers come out on that one. I am hoping for at least 6000 as I have a daily goal of 8,500 steps. Typically this isn't a problem, but yesterday I only clocked in 5245 because I didn't have time to work out. Today I am at 4212 so far...so I need to make up the difference. Since you have a pedometer, you might want to check out the website I mentioned above because they actually give you a choice of well known "trails" that you must complete in a certain amount of time. For example I am "hiking" the Appalachian trail and have 42 days to complete it. There are 3 other trails to choose from depending on how many steps you think you can take in a day. I have already 57,778 steps and need to average a little over 4,400 a day to finish by Jan. I will obviously (hopefully) finish before my deadline and start another trail. It's an interesting site and you can join for free.

Well it's time to workout. Imax 2 here I come!

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