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  1. J

    For Fitness Freak

    Thank you
  2. J

    For Fitness Freak

    Thank you for create an one hour rotation. It is my first time that I followed a rotation and finished it. However I still have some areas that I want to improve. So I wonder can I continue doing the same rotation until I see the result. I have some limitation, I can't take a really really high...
  3. J

    DH has an interview in Pittsburgh - need advice!

    Hi I live in Pittsburgh for 10 year. My husband and I have a house in the city. We love it here, we live next to Frick Park, we walk our dog everyday. Our area is kind of hidden treasure that people don't know how quiet and peaceful it is. I can give you more details about...
  4. J

    Rotaion before Going Home

    Hello You make me feel less alone. It is great to have someone else knows exactly about what kind of attitude that I have endured. About eating clean, I agree that it is very important part. I thank you though for mention it. For me it is so hard to eat clean, I don't have much of...
  5. J

    Rotaion before Going Home

    Hi Wendy Thank you for your suggestions, I might post it again at the rotation forum but I'm not sure. However thanks for your kind word. I will try to remember that. Jantarat
  6. J

    Rotaion before Going Home

    Hello Everyone I need help to put together the rotation from DVDs that I have but before I tell you what I have, I need to explain why going back home is so important to me. I don't go home every year, it is far and cost a lots. However this time I will...
  7. J

    Tough Choices ?

    Thanks for your input. It is nice of you to reply. I think I will order Low Max but I wonder should I order with the preorder of the new DVD, that's way I can save some money on the shipping. About Slow and Heavy , I'm not sure whether I will like them. so I will wait. Jantarat
  8. J

    Tough Choices ?

    Hello Everyone I try to make decision about what to get in Hardcore series. I definitely can't buy them all. May be it might be better if you know what I have. Here are the DVD I have so far. CTX DVD Cardio Kicks+Circuit Max DVD Cardio Hits DVD Body Blast Vol 1 : Step Blast...
  9. J

    From Thailand, No High Steps here

    Hi (I think I email you but may be you didn't get it.) Anyway I think my favorite is CTX series. I like it because the cardio parts on each tapes are short but intense. I like the weight parts too,they are sure tough. Tomorrow I hope to get the intensity series. After I try I...
  10. J

    From Thailand, No High Steps here

    Hi I'm really happy to see someone from Thailand. Because I'm Thai also. Eventhough I live in US not Bangkok. I'm from Bangkok, I came here for study. Then I got lucky to have a chance to stay. Well I don't have the high step but I use a stool that about 13 inches...
  11. J

    I have CTX and PS on VHS so what should I have next?

    Thanks for both of your helps. I heard a lot of good thing about Legs and Glutes.
  12. J

    I have CTX and PS on VHS so what should I have next?

    Hi I'm new to the forum. I have been excercised on and off. About a month ago I set the goal that I will in shape before my wedding(in 3 month). Even after that I want to continue excercise. I want to feel good about myself. I have been doing CTX cardio portion...