DH has an interview in Pittsburgh - need advice!


Hi all! You are all such a font of knowledge and information. Maybe you can give me some guidance. I am living in Charlotte NC currently, but my DH has a job interview in Pittsburgh next week. We are spending two days there in advance (including Labor Day) just to get the feel of the place.

I would like advice on the best way to get a vibe on what it's like to actually live there (not necessarily the tourist-y things).

Any Pittsburgh-ers who want to weigh and give their advice?

I am particularly interested in knowing a good place to live if we work in the city, and what the commute time are.

Thanks a bunch!!!
I have never lived in or near Pittsburgh but I have friends in Export which is a suburb, I believe. Anyway, they commute to Pittsburgh for work and they love it there.
I lived in Pittsburgh for 9 months and I loved it there. Great people, great places and GREAT FOOD! OMG! Their food is the best, however, very fattening. I especially loved their salads that included warm chicken breast, french fries, mozarella cheese and Ranch dressing. Yes, all of this in one salad. It was TO DIE FOR! When I moved back to Ohio I use to go to McD's and buy their salad and fries and mix them together. Those were my bad eating days so I don't do that anymore but I will never forget those salads.

You will love Pittsburgh. I still miss it at times.
I live about 50 miles east.
I am a country girl. Check out station square and the strip.Good food and something to do.Monroeville and Murrysville is close and
Cranberry, but very expensive place to live.

Shadyside is a nicer place to live. Stay far away from Wilkinsburg. Lock your doors and windows.Bad area . Bars in the windows everywhere.Drugs, shootings. really bad. On the news all the time.

I can't handle traffic and not being scared to walk outside at night so. No Pitt livin for me.I live about 45 min away and only go to pitt if i need to.
Allegheny is a bad area.
Go get on the gateway clipper for a captains dinner dance. Nice float on the river and the food is good...Nice evening on a lit up night.
If you need directions i will get them from my sis. My BIL builds bridges and works for Trumble in Pitt and she was head or Neuropathology in Presby for 25 years. They know their way around and more of the excitement.They live in Greensburg.
I avoid it like the plague....
Irwin, and Greensburg is better to live in and way cheaper and safer.
A 30-40 min commute though. I live 45-hr from pitt depending on traffic. I have made it to the hosp there in 45. Down town.
there is Sandcastle, the zoo, Kennywood, Museums. What are you looking for?
Oh, We do get some good snow in the winter. Slippin slidin away...
Can you drive in it??? We have a pretty good winter at times...
My house is winter wonderland . Old ski resort community...
Seven Springs Skii resort is 1 hr from Pitt. and Nemacolin Resort is about an hr.and 1/2. *Very Expensive) 20.00 hamburgers....example...
Do you like to skii??
Anything else and i shall ask my sis or try to answer you.
Where are you stayin?

I lived in Pittsburgh 20 years ago (I know not that helpful) and my husband grew up there! I loved it! There's alot to do. My husband grew up in the north hills and when we married we lived out in Cranberry. Cranberry has really grown since then, but friends really like it. My b-in-law just moved out to Mars. If my in-laws didn't all live there I would move back in a heart beat! (HA HA) I grew up in FL but really liked living there. It has some great medical hopitals schools .....
I just moved from there about 2 months ago (DH got transferred) We lived north of the city (Cranberry area, mentioned above) We were about 30 miles north of downtown Pgh. From there, it's a straight shot, all highway, to get to downtown, so it was a great commute! All the other directions involve bridges and tunnels, plus older (more narrow) roads and TONS of traffic congestion at rush hour. We used to live in the South Hills, but moved north to get out of the tight neighborhoods and traffic. South is great if you like old city type living: older homes, narrow roads...great public transportation access, though.

What kind of neighborhood are you looking for? If you want to pm me, feel free - we really miss being there and if there's anything I can do to help, let me know. Having just gone through a move because of DH's job, I can totally relate to the effort and confusion about moving to a new area :)
We lived in Pittsburgh for 8 years and LOVED it.!!!!! We still miss it tremendously! (We moved away few years ago.) We lived in Shadyside the first four years and then in Swissvale the last 4 years. Shadyside is a trendy neighborhood complete with it's own shopping district on Walnut St. It's a great neighborhood for young people and also a great neighborhood for walking around. As much as we loved living in Shadyside, we couldn't afford a house there so we found one in Swissvale. It's a great little neighborhood. The houses are very affordable and it's close to the Waterfront, another shopping district that has Target on one end and an open-air shopping mall on the other (with typical mall shops like Gap and Barnes & Nobles as well as some restaurants and a big movie theatre). BTW, Squirrel Hill is another trendy neighborhood to live in which is great. I found the bus system to be fairly good. Personally, I don't know if I'd live anywhere but the east end of the city. Otherwise, you'll always have to cross the river to get downtown or the east side and the traffic can be really bad getting to the bridges. But, that's my preference.

Pittsburgh has A LOT to offer for everyone. It's a fantastic city for kids, too. I can't say enough great things about it! To get a sense of Pittsburgh, it would probably make sense to walk around the neighborhoods, not necessarily downtown.
OK, this post is making me homesick!! I grew up an hour north of Pittsburgh (Slippery Rock/Butler area) and this is just reminding me of how much I miss it sometimes...Especially when your team wins the SuperBowl!!! (Anyone who knows a Steelers Fan knows that it's kind of like the Marines - once a fan, always a fan no matter where you live!) Cherlnb, I'm also living close to Charlotte (Clover, SC).

I think one of the biggest things about a move is your attitude. I love Dr. Wayne Dyer, and he once said this: A lady asked once what the area I live in is like, she was from a big city and said the people are so rude. How are they in your area? He replied: Pretty much the same. Another time, a young man was moving to the area from the Southern states and he said, How are people in your area. In my old hometown, people were so friendly and outgoing. Dr. Dyer replied: It's pretty much the same here. The moral - your expectations & what you're looking for, you will find. If you look for those rude people, you will find them. But if you look for the friendly, outgoing ones, you will find them.
Sorry to go off on the philosophy deep end, I just felt like sharing! Hope you don't mind...

Good luck
My husband and I was thinking one time about moveing to Montana. We decided to get the local paper in the place we were interrested in, and have it sent to us. It gave all the answeres to your questions. We decided not to, places are way to far apart from each other. That is one big country!


"If you can't say anything nice about someone, then don't say anything at all."
-My mother, Mary Cooper-
I have lived in Pittsburgh (in a suburb) my whole life (I'm 45) and I can't imagine living anywhere else. Our city is beautiful and we have a lot to offer. Yes, some areas are not the best areas to be in but most of them are great with good food, good nightlife, and great sports teams! Where are you going to stay when you come to visit and I can give you more information. I live Southwest of the city but north is a good place to live also. Send me a PM and I can give you more info!

I grew up in Pittsburgh--north of the city in a suburb. My parents now live in Mars and I've got a sister in the North Hills area so I still visit frequently. Others who still live there can probably comment better on specific things to do, but I always loved going to the zoo, and though the incline/Mount Washington is sorta touristy the view of the city can't be beat, IMHO.

I will say that the weather would be a BIG adjustment, coming from Charlotte. It gets COLD in the winter, really cold, and lots of snow. This is more than offset IMO by the beautiful spring, fall and summer. Summer doesn't get butt hot until normally for a coupla weeks in August and September is not a summer month like it is in the south. I live in Virginia now so I'm comparing it to where I am and I think the weather in Charlotte is pretty close to ours.

It's a "small big city" with a lot to offer. Enjoy!

My DH grew up in Greensburg, east of the 'burgh. When we were first married, we lived there for about 18 months. While I am far from a Pittsburgh expert, I really enjoyed the city. We would return to visit family as often as we could and enjoyed taking the kids to baseball games, the zoo and Phipps Conservatory. Unfortunatly, we no longer have family living there, which will make trips more expensive, but I'm sure we will continue to visit. Good luck to you and your DH.
I live in Pittsburgh for 10 year. My husband and I have a house in the city. We love it here, we live next to Frick Park, we walk our dog everyday. Our area is kind of hidden treasure that people don't know how quiet and peaceful it is. I can give you more details about Pittsburgh if you want. Here is my email [email protected]

Thank you everyone!

We'll see how it goes next week, then I might PM those of you who have offered to give me more information. I am jumping the gun a bit, but I am an obsessive planner.

By the way, I am a transplant to Charlotte from the Midwest, so I know all about snow and cold. I've only been in Charlotte for 3 years and 10 months.

Thanks again!!!

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