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  1. S


    I think I actually just bought what you are talking about yesterday. I didn't recognize the name though. My daughter is almost 6 months old and we're just starting her on baby food and cereal and I bought the Sassy baby food nurser to transition her from bottle to sipper cups and spoons. I...
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    2 Years Postpartum!!!

    Unfortunately, the only way to get rid of extra skin is through plastic surgery. You can do all the situps and cardio you want, but it won't affect your skin. The skin stretches due to weight gain or pregnancy, but when the weight is lost the integrity of the elasticity of your skin is lost as...
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    Is there a different name it goes by? Or explain a bit what it is.
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    Friends' marriage is on the rocks...advice please.

    I'm no expert when it comes to relationships, but maybe I can offer some advise what to tell your friend. Let your friend know that she is a whole half of this relationship and her husband is an equal half. It's unfair for her husband to never be home, not taking responsibility to be there to...
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    Shoes or Barefoot?

    Thanks for everyone's input. I might go out and buy a pair of shoes just to use indoors. We just put in new carpet and issued a "no shoes in the house" rule especially for our new baby that will be crawling soon. We don't want to bring all the dirt outside in. I don't run or walk outside...
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    Shoes or Barefoot?

    Cathe, I was wondering if there is a benefit in wearing shoes during workouts. I workout at home on carpet and don't wear shoes inside my house which is why I workout barefoot. But would wearing shoes have any benefit?
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    Rotation help with what I've got

    I'd mix it up so you won't get bored and your muscles will get a better challenge of doing different exercises. Looks like a great rotation for the DVD collection you have.
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    More Muscle

    I'm not sure about the aerobics, but the best way to keep muscle is to provide those muscles with enough protein. And, not all fat is bad for you, or carbs for that matter. It's the type of fat and carbs that you eat. Staying away from trans fats and simple sugars and eating plenty of quality...
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    Postpartum muscle strains

    I gave birth to my daughter 4 1/2 mo ago and started working out about 1 1/2 mo ago. When I try doing planks and some other ab exercises I get a straining/pulling feeling in my groin area. I'm assuming this is due to giving birth recently, but I wanted to know if anyone else has experienced...