

Have any of you ever used an infafeeder?I have heard and read mixed opinions on them.I was going to get your thoughts....
no-i think that is the name they go by..they are made by sassy.I have never used one -just read about them.
I think I actually just bought what you are talking about yesterday. I didn't recognize the name though. My daughter is almost 6 months old and we're just starting her on baby food and cereal and I bought the Sassy baby food nurser to transition her from bottle to sipper cups and spoons. I haven't yet tried it, but I think it looks like a very good transition tool, a great way for her to taste new things in a bottle and nipple which she is used to. It may take a few days, but I'll let you know how she does with it. (If this isn't the product you are talking about sorry for the confusion)

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