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  1. M

    Help for Knee Probs & running

    I really enjoy running but after about 2 miles my knees really start to bother me. I bought running shoes, wrapping them, even running on a nice outdoor track but no matter what they still bother me. About 2-3 mins after running, the pain is gone. This is the only time i have knee pain. The...
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    For those who don't like being called "skinny"

    RE: For those who don't like being called I have been called "skinny" or "too skinny" all my life. I disaggree. I think i am more muscular than people give me credit for. 5'8" and 145 lbs. But i dont care about the number, just that I like how I look. Anyway, what really bothers me is...
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    Vitamin Water

    I am just wondering everyones opinion on Glaceau Vitamin Water. I personally like it when I want something with flavor and dont want to drink juices or soda. Any imput would be great! Karen
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    Will it REALLY make THAT much of a difference?

    Hi, Reading all your posts is very informative. But I find it VERY difficult for me to eat the "little" meals/diets that people are refering to. I am tall and thin (but with a pooch, and a bit extra on the waist) probably an Ecto and a Mesomorph since I do have muscles(not fulling showing yet)...
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    How much alcohal?

    Wow, thanks all for the comments! I do enjoy my wine a little bit more now that I know how much calories and fat and what not are in it. I was mainly more concerned with the sugar but like you said, what the heck!! Oh, and to answer a prior question, Im 29.=)
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    How much alcohal?

    Lol..true. I always say that if everyone was perfect we would all be the same, and wheres the fun it that?
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    How much alcohal?

    Thats what I say! I need to enjoy myself once in a while. But I still feel guilty sometimes....especially that I work so hard at exercise.
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    How much alcohal?

    Okay, I know that it is not good to drink and I try my best to stay away from it as much as I can. I am very tall and thin and am not trying to lose weight, but currently in a routine to build muscle and tone(shrink =) my midsection. The problem is that I do go out every Wed. nights to play in...
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    ADD medication and exercise

    Hi Amy, I am currently taking Concerta at a rate of 32(mg?). Anyway, I started with 18 and my doc. upped my dose. Honestly, I dont feel any bad affects to my body at all. If anything, I've noticed I am more into excercising and sticking with my routines and rotations. And for a long...
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    Too much running??

    Thanks Marie! Im doing great with it for now. So, it wont give my body a "plateu" or anything? I want to make sure it still works as a good cario and fat burner and my body not get too used to it, if you know what I mean, and have to switch up cardio exercises.
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    my first rotation : to run4fun and all of you.

    If it involves running, sure! I run and lift weights right now. Tell what you had in mind.....
  12. M

    Too much running??

    I dont know if there is a post about this or not. If there is Im appologize.. I read that its not good to do the same cardio routine everyday. I have started running and really enjoy it, as well as see great benefits from it. I also rollerblade, walk and kickbox. What Im asking is, is it...
  13. M

    Rotation for a flatter stomach

    I am doing all of what everyone says, eating right, plenty of cardio(running, kickboxing, rollerblading) and weights. I am naturally tall and thin (5'9") with not much body fat at all except my "lower" belly. Like someone mentioned on another post, the upper abs are great and I am starting to...
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    Slow & Heavy-NO GOOD?!

    I went on MSN this morning and clicked on the link for the "7 workout Myths" and this was one of the myths. What do you guys think? I don't agree...except that 5/10 is tooooo slow. Myth #1 Lifting incredibly slowly builds incredibly big muscles. Lifting super slowly produces superlong...
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    Your welcome Connie! Mine were doing the same thing till my girlfriend at work said she does it. Now I dont even run much anymore because of the great workout I get. I just love em! Enjoy!!!!!!!
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    I have actually almost fallen down a few times myself, but luckily caught myself. Mainly from sticks and rocks. I live on a large cul-de-sak so I can pretty much ride in the middle of the street with no worries. Falling has scared me a bit so I try to keep at a good speed and just try to keep...
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    I usually run, walk and kickbox for my cardio. I recently fished out my rollerblades after remembering I had them and thought I would go for a Anyway. I was SHOCKED as to how much of a workout it is! I barely went a mile and I was soaked to the bone and beat red! Even more than I...
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    We're Filming Again!

    This will be a great start for the winter months. I was wondering what kind of workouts I would be doing since it will be too cold to do my normal cardio, not to mention Ill probably be bored with all my rotations by then. Thanks!! Karen
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    Cathe - Rest period question

    I would agree with everyone else. I had went to vegas for a week and never did anything but walk, except one night of sit ups. I felt extremely guilty that I didnt do any weight work at all. But when I came back, I noticed a difference in my muscles. Especially in my waistline. I felt like...
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    Change in w/o routine-Okay??

    Sorry, this is long.... I have been working out with Cathe in a steady 5-6 day weight and cardio routine since January, mixing up the rotations of course. I have recently been playing Co-ed softball on Tuesdays. I also now have a job waitressing which is going to be on Mondays and Fridays...