For those who don't like being called "skinny"

RE: For those who don't like being called

I have been called that most of my life. It really does not bother me. There is so much more of a stigma on being overweight. I really do think they have more of a complaint. And what is overweight anyway? My latest was when I went into a small store and had the woman working there say "you are so tiny". That was a new phrase for me. I have seen very few people that I would consider to thin, skinny etc.. Most have serious issues. Two that come to mind is someone we knew, that I thought had an illness. Her wrists looked like I could put put my fingers together twice around them. Basically like a skeletin. The other was when DH & I were driving down a side road I saw a woman running. She again looked like a skeletin running as all you could see is her bones. Since everyone calls me skinny I asked my hubby if I looked like that. It was an emphatic no. Most of us know we are not to skinny so why let it bother us???
Diane Sue
RE: For those who don't like being called

I have been called "skinny" or "too skinny" all my life. I disaggree. I think i am more muscular than people give me credit for. 5'8" and 145 lbs. But i dont care about the number, just that I like how I look.
Anyway, what really bothers me is when people comment on my eating. I eat 6 small meals a day. When I eat something healthy, or turn down something like cake, or comment on the nutritional value of something(look at the back of the packages to check the fat or sugar content) people always comment that im already skinny, I dont need to diet or watch what I eat. Who said im dieting? And why not eat healthy? Only people who are trying to lose weight are allowed to eat healthy? I dont understand why people automatically assume that just because im skinny i dont have to watch what I eat or eat healthy. I want to live a long healthy life, nothing wrong it that right!?

RE: For those who don't like being called

I want to live a long healthy life, nothing
>wrong it that right!?


And even if you were eating to keep slim, why do people think that "you're already thin, you don't have to avoid the (fill in empty-caloried-filled-crud here)" How do they think one STAYS in eating that?
RE: For those who don't like being called

I feel as though I'm too thin (5'9", 125 lbs) and I DO get offended when someone calls me "skinny." It is no less rude than calling someone "fat" who really is too heavy. I work out six days a week, but I consume a LOT of calories (mostly healthy, but less healthy foods in moderation). I never seem to gain weight. I don't need people calling attention to something I already know and it makes me self-conscious.

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