

I usually run, walk and kickbox for my cardio. I recently fished out my rollerblades after remembering I had them and thought I would go for a Anyway. I was SHOCKED as to how much of a workout it is! I barely went a mile and I was soaked to the bone and beat red! Even more than I have ever gotten running, and I run about 3 miles. The best part about it is it was an instant, and I mean instant butt lift and leg workout(as well as abs, wow!) As soon as I started I was panting for air. I loved it. And I can feel the difference after just a few workouts. But it was NOT easy. Even for someone coordinated and an experienced cario exerciser.

Im just wondering why I dont see more people, or read about it AT ALL on this website from anyone? I am really addicted to it now and also love the fact that its a quick workout too and worth it.

Hi Karen,

Rollerblading is an awesome workout. If I had rollerblades and lived in a nicer neighborhood, I'd do it lol.
I used to do it years ago. I fell down a couple of times...not a very coordinated person. Basically, what stopped me was a couple of my friends around my age fell and had severe injuries. One broke her wrist and another her arm near her elbow. Injuries took almost a year to fully heal. So, I guess you could say I'm just chicken.

As I recall it is a very good workout and lots of fun. I remember my inner thighs used to really feel it.
I have actually almost fallen down a few times myself, but luckily caught myself. Mainly from sticks and rocks. I live on a large cul-de-sak so I can pretty much ride in the middle of the street with no worries. Falling has scared me a bit so I try to keep at a good speed and just try to keep a real good low form as to work my legs and glutes, like a side lunge of sorts while moving my arms and upper body so to get a good ab workout.
I used to love rollerblading since it was something I could do with my kids. Of course now my kids are embarrassed to be seen with me rollerblading. I wear all the pads, especially the wrist guards, and helmet. I actually took a lesson with a friend who never roller skated before and that was really helpful. We basically learned how to fall, stop, turn, go forward and backward. Glad you renewed yourself with rollerblading, it is a great workout.

DH and I bought rollerblades 5 years ago and did it regularly for a few months. I wasn't exercising at all back then but the changes I saw in my lower body was amazing. We moved and just never pulled the blades out again.

Now we are into mountain biking and we are having a blast!:)
I too love inline skating. I usually go on a paved trail then I don't have to worry about cars.

I have rollerblades and I really gave it an effort, but for me it's more like rollerfalling - skinned knees (I know, I could wear pads) & hands and one time I fell right on my butt and hurt my tailbone for a few weeks. I don't think I was made to be on wheels. haha!
Thank you for reminding me about my rollerblades! They are collecting dust and I need to get a new brake for them. I will do it this weekend because this post reminded me.
Your welcome Connie! Mine were doing the same thing till my girlfriend at work said she does it. Now I dont even run much anymore because of the great workout I get. I just love em!
My husband bought me some rollerblades a couple of weeks ago. He thought he could borrow our sons and try going around one of our local lakes for fun. I did fine running around the ohouse on them doing chores. The only thing is I have to have wide width shoes and my toes were so numb after an hour of this. I took them back to the store. I can see where they would be a good workout.
Diane Sue
I wore out a pair of cheap inline skates I got at Target and decided to get some new ones. I went to Sports Authority and got a real pair of "Roller Blades" skates. Well, that was sort of a mistake because the skates are too fast for me and I am afraid to skate in them now! But it really is a good workout. My butt and legs looked amazing when I was skating all the time.


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