Search results

  1. N

    Cathe .... what's next ?

    I'm crazy too! I would love to see Hardcore 2. Same format, same number of DVDs, same intensity, just different exercises for variety. That would be awsome. How about it Cathe? thanks Nadia
  2. N

    Calories burned in kickmax,

    I asked this question before but received no reply and can't find any information on the Polar site either, so I am hoping someone can shed some light on the subject. When doing a Cathe weight lifting workout, how does the monitor calculate calories burned, or can it even do that? Nadia
  3. N

    What Gives?????

    I'd like to purchase a calories burned/heart rate monitor. Can any of you recommend a decent one? Also, I have a dumb question: how does this monitor work when you're doing weight training as opposed to aerobics? thanks Nadia
  4. N

    fat-burning rotation?

    Suzanne You sound like a workout maniac!! Ah! Ah! I'm confused. Are you saying that you do one hour of full body lifting 4 times a week, then 1 of Cathe's aerobic tapes per day, then run or bike or walk for an hour????? I would be interested in seeing your rotation... thanks Nadia
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    fat-burning rotation?

    Suzanne You sound like a workout maniac!! Ah! Ah! I'm confused. Are you saying that you do one hour of full body lifting 4 times a week, then 1 of Cathe's aerobic tapes per day, then run or bike or walk for an hour????? I would be interested in seeing your rotation... thanks Nadia
  6. N

    fat-burning rotation?

    Here is a rotation that Cathe posted a while back. I have done it and it worked for me. It's a tough one. July Rotation FAT LOSS and DEFINITION Rotation" Hi Everyone! I must apologize for getting this rotation out so late. A couple of you have asked if it would be possible to get the...
  7. N

    fat-burning rotation?

    Here is a rotation that Cathe posted a while back. I have done it and it worked for me. It's a tough one. July Rotation FAT LOSS and DEFINITION Rotation" Hi Everyone! I must apologize for getting this rotation out so late. A couple of you have asked if it would be possible to get the...
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    Cathe's awesome abs!

    Please send me info about your consultant. thanks Nadia
  9. N

    Cathe's awesome abs!

    Could you be more specific as far as what foods you eat? Or can you recommend a book that follows your regimen? thanks Nadia
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    Equipment - Dumbells for PowerHour and SLOW And Heavy S...

    You might want to invest in getting a more complete set of dumbells which will really come in handy in both workouts. I have a set from 3lbs. all the way to 25lbs. and I use them all. As far as your barbell, sounds like you have pretty much all the weight you need. If you want to buy a...
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    Cathe - Need Upper Body Rotation

    Thanks for this rotation. I'll definitely give it a try. Nadia
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    Cathe - Need Upper Body Rotation

    Cathe In August of this year, you put together a rotation with emphasis on the legs and glutes. This rotation really strengthened my lower body, so I was wondering if you could put a similar rotation together with an emphasis on upper body this time. I really need some strength in the...
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    i've got cathe arms....

    Can you post your rotation for "Cathe Arms"? I would love to know. thanks Nadia
  14. N

    FIT TV wants your input

    1) afternoon, around 4 pm. 2) 5-6 days, Monday through Saturday 3) a. a DETAILED show with a "personal trainer" that truly shows how to work a muscle group to get the results (more definition or more mass, whatever). None of the shows on Fit TV go into the details; they sort of give you the...
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    Slow & Heavy Rotation

    Hi I don't know if you still need a slow and heavy rotation, but here's my version and it has worked wonders for me. For the cardio, I usually do any of Cathe's tapes; sometimes I run on the treadmill or do the stairmaster. It is a tough rotation especially with the 6 cardios thrown in, but...
  16. N

    can you recommend a squat rack?

    Can anyone give me some input regarding a squat rack? I am looking for a compact, good quality model at a reasonable price. I know some of you are using a rack and would like to hear your comments. thanks Nadia
  17. N

    What is going on here! Please help!

    I am having the same problem with just doing the Maximum Fat Loss, Definition Rotation. I am on my 3rd month of this rotation and although I had been increasing my weights the past two months, I find that this month has been a real struggle and have had to go a little lighter. By the way, I am...
  18. N

    Need Help With Shoulder Weight Routine

    Hi Cathe and educated crowd, I have been exercising with Cathe & Co. for about 1.5 years and I am pleased with the results I am getting. Lately I have been doing more weight training to tone and define and although I have been getting stronger overall, I find that when I train my shoulders...
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    Is the Push Pull workout under another name? I can't find it in the catalog. thanks Nadia
  20. N

    FAT LOSS and DEFINITION Rotation

    This rotation calls for Imax 1 but I can't find the video anywhere. Is it under a different name? thanks Nadia