fat-burning rotation?



I have seen others talk about this - is it posted somewhere? I am 7 weeks from my honeymoon, and I have some weight to lose. I'd like to lost the most fat/tone up as much as possible before the honeymoon. Can you make any recommendations? I am also trying to eliminate processed and starchy foods (bread, pasta, etc) and follow more of a "healthy carb" type of diet to assist my goals.

Thanks for your help!
Hi, Well, I dont have a rotation per se, but I have suggestions that work for me every time. I lift weights 4 times a week (I do full-body weights b/c I enjoy it a lot, but you can do different body parts per day too) and I lift heavy (essential). Also, besides doing a step/aerobic tape of Cathe's every day, I also walk/run/bike or hop on the stairmaster for up to an hour per day.

So to recap, you want to lift weights, 1-1hour step/aerobic tape of choice, and other exercise mentioned above, everyday and back-to-back. Dont be afraid to take a rest day when you feel you need it. I always do. This assumes THAT you are an advanced exerciser now, and that you need a plateau buster. If you are NOT an advanced exerciser, exercise for as long as you feel good and work your way up slowly. I have lost inches of fat, gained muscle and strength, lost 2 dress sizes and gained energy. I started out a size 9. Oh, I also eat something every four hours. Keep the meals small and frequent.

Hope this helps,
Here is a rotation that Cathe posted a while back. I have done it and it worked for me. It's a tough one.

July Rotation

Hi Everyone! I must apologize for getting this rotation out so late. A couple of you have asked if it would be possible to get the rotations out a day or two before the month starts and I will work very hard on trying to make that happen. The July Rotation focuses on fat loss and definition. You will do a mix of cardio and weight training with moderate weight.

Monday: CTX Upper Body
Tuesday: Imax 1
Wed: Leaner Legs
Thurs: MIC
Fri: Muscle Endurance
Sat: Walk/Run 40 minutes Plus Abs from Step Heat
Sun: OFF

Monday: Body Max
Tuesday: Step Fit
Wed: Cardio Kicks
Thurs: OFF
Fri: MIS
Sat: OFF
Sun: Power Hour

Monday: MIC
Tues: Cardio and Weights
Wed: Pyramid Lower Body
Thurs: OFF
Fri: Circuit Max
Sat: OFF
Sun: Boot Camp

Monday: Step Works
Tuesday: Imax 1
Wed: Power Hour
Thurs: OFF
Fri: Pyramid Upper
Sat: Imax 2
Sun: Strong Legs and Abs
Also, sleep well, eat well, and be sure to keep your daily water intake at a high level.
Have Fun!
Here is a rotation that Cathe posted a while back. I have done it and it worked for me. It's a tough one.

July Rotation

Hi Everyone! I must apologize for getting this rotation out so late. A couple of you have asked if it would be possible to get the rotations out a day or two before the month starts and I will work very hard on trying to make that happen. The July Rotation focuses on fat loss and definition. You will do a mix of cardio and weight training with moderate weight.

Monday: CTX Upper Body
Tuesday: Imax 1
Wed: Leaner Legs
Thurs: MIC
Fri: Muscle Endurance
Sat: Walk/Run 40 minutes Plus Abs from Step Heat
Sun: OFF

Monday: Body Max
Tuesday: Step Fit
Wed: Cardio Kicks
Thurs: OFF
Fri: MIS
Sat: OFF
Sun: Power Hour

Monday: MIC
Tues: Cardio and Weights
Wed: Pyramid Lower Body
Thurs: OFF
Fri: Circuit Max
Sat: OFF
Sun: Boot Camp

Monday: Step Works
Tuesday: Imax 1
Wed: Power Hour
Thurs: OFF
Fri: Pyramid Upper
Sat: Imax 2
Sun: Strong Legs and Abs
Also, sleep well, eat well, and be sure to keep your daily water intake at a high level.
Have Fun!

You sound like a workout maniac!! Ah! Ah! I'm confused. Are you saying that you do one hour of full body lifting 4 times a week, then 1 of Cathe's aerobic tapes per day, then run or bike or walk for an hour????? I would be interested in seeing your rotation...

You sound like a workout maniac!! Ah! Ah! I'm confused. Are you saying that you do one hour of full body lifting 4 times a week, then 1 of Cathe's aerobic tapes per day, then run or bike or walk for an hour????? I would be interested in seeing your rotation...

Yes, I have been working out for years now at an advanced level and I try to do 3 hours of exercise every day. Mostly, because I just absolutely love it. Also, I had back surgery a while back and before surgery I gained a large amount of weight because I physically could not move without being in hideous pain. So, now I am trying to finally lose all the pre-surgery weight and its tough without a plateau buster like this.

Here's an example of what I do:
full-body weights at the gym 45-60 min) then
1 hour step class or ramping at the gym then
30-60 minutes on the stairmaster or a 1 hour walk/run/horseback ride
and then I do some Cathe abs and then I do an easy relaxing stretch

Yes, I have been working out for years now at an advanced level and I try to do 3 hours of exercise every day. Mostly, because I just absolutely love it. Also, I had back surgery a while back and before surgery I gained a large amount of weight because I physically could not move without being in hideous pain. So, now I am trying to finally lose all the pre-surgery weight and its tough without a plateau buster like this.

Here's an example of what I do:
full-body weights at the gym 45-60 min) then
1 hour step class or ramping at the gym then
30-60 minutes on the stairmaster or a 1 hour walk/run/horseback ride
and then I do some Cathe abs and then I do an easy relaxing stretch

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