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    Have you ever had to use an Epipen?

    I haven't but know someone who has... I have a friend who used her epi pen when she developed a severe case of hives one evening after eating out. A family member drove her to the hospital after using it at home, which is what you're supposed to do, I believe. They always want to check you...
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    Whey protein?

    Do you all know if Jay Robb's product is as good quality as the one Cathe recommended? I have to be careful about artificial ingredients and sweeteners, because I have an auto immune disease that makes me sensitive. (I get headaches or digestive problems from sucralose and artificial color and...
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    Request to feature Supersets/Push Pull as DVD of the week

    I third this request! PP/SS is one of the dvds I somehow missed purchasing in years back. I'm recovering from being on meds that limited my activity the last three years, and am doing the intermediate rotation. So, this would really be a great addition to my Cathe collection!
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    ~Eating "clean" and Splenda~

    RE: ~Eating Kathleen-- Something to consider for sweetening oatmeal without artificial sweeteners: dried fruit. Someone suggested mixing a tablespoon of dried blueberries in with the water when making oatmeal, and I tried it. It's delicious and subtly sweet, and makes an attractive...
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    A Very Sad Day!

    I'm so sorry, Cathe! A black lab/golden mix adopted us last summer, and we have just fallen in love with her. She is so smart and loving, really a top dog! I know how much they can enrich your life--every breed is different, and I'm sure Hampton was a wonder doggie! Please know in your...
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    Deadlift substitute

    I would appreciate suggestions on a substitute for deadlifts in Cathe's workouts. I have a bulged disc in my lumbar spine and have been advised against deadlifts by a physical therapist. I asked the PT what he suggested, but his suggestion doesn't work into Cathe's workouts: supine weighted...
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    cathe- premixes

    I have the Intensity series but not the BB series, so I don't KNOW whether my player would have trouble with really complex programming as is on the BB series. It seems to me, though, that the type of premixes that are on the Intensity series would be a good compromise for the new ten pack...
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    have MIS, need strength suggestions

    >>BTW what do you mean by long sets of heavy weights? Do not >sacrifice your joints! > >--Ann Thanks Ann! To clarify, I've been doing a rotation from M&FHers, which calls for circuit training the first week, heavy the second, high reps the third, and next week will be supersets. The...
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    have MIS, need strength suggestions

    Thanks Annette! Your suggestion makes sense to me, but I have some doubts about my patience with S&H. I've been lifting with different emphasis in the gym for the last couple of weeks. From this experience, I can say that training each body part only once a week and very heavy with long...
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    have MIS, need strength suggestions

    Hi everyone! I'm new here at the forum and would like suggestions on what direction to take with my strength training, specifically which videos will give me a well rounded strength program. I have MIS and many Firm workouts, but would like to add more Cathe strength to my collection. I've...