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  1. D

    Any other hockey fans?

    Judy I'm a HUGE Sabres fan also! Very much looking forward to tonights game! My middle son played hockey since he was four (20 now) and I really miss those days. Go Sabres! Debbie:D
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    After 17 years of marriage there are several

    I Love this post! After 21 years... Things that bug me: 1. The drinking 4,5,6.. glasses of wine like its water every night, I feel like such a nag because now I ask him " how many glasses of wine have you had already?" 2. His truck is immaculate. You are not even allowed to touch...
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    great make-up

    WJ, I also use JI's pure pressed base and will never use another foundation. It's the best for breakout prone oily skin. You might want to try Clinique's dramatically different moisturing GEL (not the lotion). I haven't broken out from it at all. Debbie
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    Just 4 Fun - Who were U named after?

    I was named after Debbie Reynolds. And DebbieH - I have a sister named Deannine! :-)
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    The Notebook

    I'm reading the book for the third time after watching the movie last week. I keep my book on my coffee table all the time. Just a reminder to me how lucky I am to have someone that loves ME that much for 21 years.
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    Resistance Bands

    I bought the set at Walmart yesterday and they are going back today. They are also 4 ft and definitely not long enough.
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    Can We Talk PreMenopause And Breast Pain?

    Ugh, is that what this is?? I've had such painful breasts for about 3 weeks now. And I'm definitely premenopausal, never can tell when my TOTM will be these days. I didn't know breast tenderness was something I could add on to night sweats, waking several times at night, irritablity, etc. How...
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    Am I the only one who was wiped out by HSTA? Oh My!

    RE: Am I the only one who was wiped out by HSTA? Oh My... OK I read this post this a.m. and said to myself well I think I'll go give this a try. About ten minutes into the workout I was saying to myself "maybe I'm not as ADVANCED, as I thought I was"! I also had to stop the DVD a couple of...
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    Do You Think...

    I have to agree I love the low rise jeans - I think they tend to hold in your pooch instead of accentuating it. The Gap makes low rise jeans that come just below the belly button and Victoria's Secret makes a "V" cut jean that has a high waist in the back "to prevent panty peak"! I love them...
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    Husband & First Attempt at BC!!!!

    I loved this post!! When I can talk my DH (of 20 yrs) into doing boot camp with me its quite an accomplishment! He always trys to use heavier weights, and I'll say "are you sure you want to go that heavy" and he always ends up saying "I forgot how hard this is"! That's only when he doesnt...
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    Tried on my 1st bikini - THANK YOU Cathe

    Laura, You look fantastic, but you already knew that! I feel the same way about Cathe, I tried running, the FIRM, Kathy Smith, but I am still amazed at my transformation using Cathe. I'm 43 and can wear a bikini again and feel good about it! Have fun this summer and be proud of all you've...
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    Men (DH) /Workouts

    JJ, I agree adding a male exerciser or 2 would be helpful in getting our guys to work out with Cathe. Right now my husband will do Tom Holland or Beach Body with Tony Horton once in a while. Not to mention I wouldnt mind myself! }( Debbie
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    Men (DH) /Workouts

    The only Cathe workout my husband will do with me is Bootcamp (maybe because there's men in it) and getting him to do that once a month is like pulling teeth! But then again getting him to workout at all is a whole project. He'll workout for 2 weeks, then nothing for 4 weeks - its a vicious...
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    Thank you everyone for your great ideas - I went home, changed my clothes and did cardio & weights because its one of my favs! I did struggle a little at the end, but I pushed myself and made it through. I'm glad I did but I can feel the DOMS creeping in. I didn't know about the 14 times...
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    OK, I need a little motivation to get back into my workouts. I was on vacation for a week (although I did get 2 workouts in) then I came back home and was sick for a week, then Easter and my father-in-law in the hospital. I am so NOT looking forward to working out I just feel like going home...
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    Pregnant again

    Stacey, I can relate to your story as I was "done" having children after the birth of my second son. Five years later - I discovered that I was pregnant. At first neither one of us were as excited as we felt we should be. But as we got used to the idea of a new baby all that changed. I...
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    Anyone using femme creatine..

    I just ordered it and was wondering if anyone was using it and what their experiences are. Debbie
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    RE: Legs and Glutes, Hams are feeling it today!

    RE: Wanda and Carol! Carol I did this for the first time a couple of days ago without weights. My butt and hams are still sore. Can't even imagine doing this with ankle weights. You guys that can do this with weights - I'm amazed. Debbie K :o
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    Anyone Still Struggle to get through Imax 2??

    Kaz This is the one workout I still can't make it all the way through - interval 9 (I think) - where you hop across the board into plie jacks - I can barely make it through two sets of those! Oh well, someday! I finally made it through all the terminator squad thrusts in bootcamp a couple...
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    Suggestions for Barbell

    Diane, I've been using a 15 lb. barbell for about a year and was having upper back pain. Because of the great recommendations here regarding the Troy-Lite I ordered it. I received it last week and absolutely LOVE IT! So much easier to handle and NO back pain! I would definitely recommend...