Resistance Bands


I am curious what size bands everyone uses. I got a pack at TJ Maxx and they are 4ft. Is that long enough? I'm 5'8" and these seem too short. Or do I really need to yank on them? I am band illiterate so any feedback is appreciated. the light band isn't bad but the medium and heavy seem a little short. TIA!
If you are using them for HC you will need the 6 foot band. I can't imagine that 4 foot would work with the step ups at all and some of the other standing moves.
Diane Sue
I bought the set at Walmart yesterday and they are going back today. They are also 4 ft and definitely not long enough.
I found (3) 6 ft. bands light, med., heavy, at a sporting goods store near me for $10. These are much better. Thanks for the input. I would rather not order on line because of shipping charges, so I am pleased. Not a lot of 6'ft bands out there.

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