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  1. R

    FIT TV wants your input

    My input: 1 & 2) I work out in the evenings during the week (6pm) and mornings on the weekends (10am). 3) Yes, I get Fit TV and watch it whenever I can. a) Drop the Spa programs (they belong on the Travel channel) and the Military boot camp shows. b) I'd like to see other instructors on...
  2. R

    Can anyone tell me...

    I think the citric acid is used to keep the fruit from browning. I've heard that you can use lemon juice spritzed on fruit pies to keep them looking fresh.
  3. R

    where everyone lives ?

    Brentwood, Strong Island - NY
  4. R

    Who do you listen to?

    :D Another Todd Rundgren fan! Alright!!:7 I saw him and Hall & Oates at Jones Beach Theater (NY) last year. Todd was doing his usual solo set. The concert was great. Anyway, my era is the 70's so I love glam, classic and progressive rock, punk, funk and soul. I also like new wave...
  5. R

    Cathe Videography

    :-) Thanks for the information Nitty Gritty. I was sure there were a few discontinued Cathe tapes out there. Wonder if you can find them on eBay or something. Tracy
  6. R

    Cathe Videography

    Hi All: Does anyone know or have a link to a chronological listing of all of Cathe's videos? I understand that some may not be available anymore, but I ask out of interest. Thanks, Tracy
  7. R

    Are there any PM exercisers out there?

    The only time I get to exercise during the week is at night. I'm not a morning person and couldn't imagine getting up an hour earlier to do anything - I have no energy. On a good day I pop in a tape as soon as I get home around 6:30 but oftentimes I'm working out around 8 or 9pm because of my...
  8. R

    Weight Loss Check-In 5/12/03

    Hi All: I haven't checked in for some time, yet I know what you mean about the plateau. It seems like I've been on one for a year...even though lately it's only been a month. This has been the lost cream, pepperoni pizza and chinese. I'm not beating myself up about...
  9. R

    Weight Loss Check-In 4/21/03

    Hi All: Sure, I'm a day late, but I wanted to check in anyway. No loss this week - went up a pound but not upset about it. It's rag season (TOTM) so I expect some water weight gain. I wasn't bad over the weekend but today - forgettaboutit! Cravings for chocolate were out of control. Oh...
  10. R

    My Gym Nightmare!

    The Better Business Bureau can only do so much at times, but I also suggest you contact your local Consumer Protection Board or Consumer Affairs agencies (both local and state). File your complaint with a few of them if you must! Tracy
  11. R

    Weight-Loss Check-In 4/14/03

    :7 Two more pounds down this week.
  12. R

    Weight Loss Check-In 4/7/03

    Hi All: I'm a Cathe newbie and this is the first time I'm posting on these forum. I'm pleased to say I've finally broken my 1 year plateau by losing 2 pounds this past week. :-) Tracy