Weight Loss Check-In 4/7/03


Good afternoon!

I am pleased to report a 2 pound loss this week! (Doubly pleased since it is smack in the middle of TTOTM!)

Hope you are all healthy and motivated today!

Hi Katie :)

Congratulations on your 2# loss, great stuff :) I have lost 1# this week, so I am pleased with that :)

Take Care

Anna :)
Great job guys!! I maintained which is ok (even though I was expecting a loss). For you WWers out there, I am .4 lbs away from getting my 10% keychain..I've been camping for about 2 months and its starting to drive me nuts!! I'm at the lowest weight I've been in the past 4 years and I think my body is fighting going into VFT (virgin fat territory)--isn't that strange?

I'm excited to be starting a new PS/S&H rotation -- hopefully that'll shake things up a bit.

Hope you all have a great week!
I thought I would come over and start this thread and you early birds are already here.

Katie: Congrats on the 2 pounds.

Anna: Yeaaaa for your one pound.

Sharon: I hope you can blow that plateau out of the water. Is that not just the most frustrating thing?

You all are doing a great job!!

Well, I lost three pounds. This is really from the last two weeks because I didn't lose any from the previous week. Either way, I'm happy with it. I always feel so good mentally and physically when I eat right. So why eat any other way? Because I LOVE food. The good, the bad, and the ugly. I have to keep saying, I'd rather be thin than eat that pizza or that cheeseburger, etc. I have 8 more pounds to go before I weigh what I did this time last year and then about 10 or 15 to go after that.

Keep up the great work!!!!
Hi All:
I'm a Cathe newbie and this is the first time I'm posting on these forum. I'm pleased to say I've finally broken my 1 year plateau by losing 2 pounds this past week. :)
Hello!! I hope nobody minds, but Katiedid invited me to join the weightloss group. I don't post tooo often, so I guess I should introduce myself. My name is Kim, and I'm a 37 year old divorced Mom with about 60#s to lose. I started WW online (the umpteenth time at least) a little over a week ago. My weigh-ins are on Friday. I weighed in last Friday and gained a half pound, but I also had started TTOM, so I guess that isn't soooo bad. I'm really looking forward to being in this group and sharing the good and the bad.

I want to say congratulations to all the "losers" this week. Sounds like you guys did really great!! Here's to a wonderful week!!

Welcome to the check-in Tracy & Kim :)

Huge losers this week! WOW! Congrats to everybody for their losses, especially Kelly with the 3#'s! :)

It's TTOTM so I won't weight til at least Thursday, but I did measure and I'm down .5 on my waist (woo-hoooo!) and almost .5 on my hips, I'd have "made it" .5 but I was afraid of cutting off my circulation so ya know how that goes! :)

This seems to be happy trend this week, ya think warm weather around the corner has us just a little more motivated? Whatever it is I just hope it continues! :)

Have a great week everybody,


Fitness~ It's a journey, not a race!
Hi everyone,
Congratulations to everyone who lost, keep up the good work. I didn't post last week, forgot about it, I must be going senile. I have toned down my workouts a little due to medical issues, however I maintained my weight so far. I am still not eating in my points range, but I keep trying, hopefully I will be able to follow my points soon. Hope everyone has a great week.

Till next week,
Welcome Tracy and Kim! Congratulations to all the losers and maintainers! Donna - are you measuring yourself of does DH do it for you? I can't get the same reading twice in one day and don't know what I'm doing wrong.

Have a great week!

Welcome Tracy and Kim! I hope you enjoy the forum and the weight loss check-in.

And congratulations to all of the losers out there. Everyone had a very good week!

I did not have a good week. I gained 2 pounds I guess. I have been fluctuating between 139 and 141 for the longest time (at least 8 months). I am always religious to my workouts, but I think any further significant weight loss will have to be the result of very clean, consistent eating, which I am not very good at.

Well, at least tonight for dinner I ate homemade fish stew instead of last night's greasy pizza!

Any suggestions on how to get over this plateau are invited!

Have a great week all!


P.S. Donna, don't worry about that tape measure popping. .5 loss is a .5 loss! Good job.

Hi Katie,

I measure myself, hubby is way too much of a clown for me to have him measure me! :) I have good weeks and bad weeks with measuring, sometimes I get it right, other times I have to measure several times. Kind of like the scale, I've been known to get 5 different readings with in a 5 minute time frame, but clearly I take the smallest reading! :)


Fitness~ It's a journey, not a race!

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