Weight Loss Check-In 5/12/03


I have one word for this week's situation again--PLATEAU!

Does anyone else have any inspiring news to report? I hope so!

My eating has been pretty good, except for the frozen yogurt I have been eating, and my energy levels are even up because of my improved eating, but still that scale fails to budge. Oh, and I have been consistent with my workouts. Very discouraging.

Linda aka Cruncholi
Well, I'm happy to say that I maintained because nearly every day last week I ate out for lunch. My last day at my current job is Wednesday and then I'll be off until I start my new job after Memorial Day. This weekend was filled with pizza, chinese food and ice cream. I'm getting things back under control this week. Urrrgh! :(
I'm with Sharon this week. I maintained and I am so glad I did considering I had several days of unexpected eating out. It wasn't planned but the day would just get away from us and the next thing I knew we were picking up something while out. I tried to pick wisely but who am I kidding? If my choice is a salad from McDonald's or a Big Mac, clearly I'm getting the Big Mac, and yeah, fries come with that! Unfortuante but true! So I happily maintained and will work harder this week at my cardio! :)


Fitness~ It's a journey, not a race!
Hi all, I lost another pound which puts me at 7 total since I had my procedure done almost 3 weeks ago. I am really happy and the dress I wore to church yesterday looked good on again. I have lost 12 now total but that is over a 2 year period.

I did Circuit Max this morning so I really hope to lose another pound before I go for my post op appt. on Thursday.:D
Hi All:
I haven't checked in for some time, yet I know what you mean about the plateau. It seems like I've been on one for a year...even though lately it's only been a month.
This has been the lost weekend...ice cream, pepperoni pizza and chinese. I'm not beating myself up about it...sometimes you just have to get it out of your system.
The scale is a funny thing. I just like getting on it to see my weight fluctuate. It just goes to show that you can't trust it - how you look and feel matters more.
For example, I came into work in jeans last Friday and my co-worker exclaimed "You look FABULOUS!!!". She kept saying I looked so skinny (meanwhile - I have about 60 more pounds to loose), however, I guess the lossed inches are showing. Meanwhile on Saturday, I was playing with my nephews and managed to beat them in a "race" running up and down a small hill 11 times in a row. My sister who was watching asked me if I thought I was in the best shape of my life. I said "No, but I'm on my way".

Thanks for listening!

(Progress not Perfection)

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