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  1. M

    OH MY GOSH CATHE......

    I find that I get cramps when I'm too tense, and consequently don't breathe as deeply and evenly as I should be. I find that when cramps start, the best solution is to consciously relax and concentrate on making my breathing regular, taking full breaths. After a few minutes the cramp...
  2. M

    Cathe's gestation rotation?

    Hello! I'm a devoted Cathe fan, and intending to have a second baby in the very near future. Has Cathe ever talked about how she worked out while pregnant? I'm interested in her overall experience, and then specifically about how she modified her workouts to accommodate the pregnancy and all...
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    Are you from Canada, eh?

    Hello, I mentioned in a post on the Ask Cathe forum that I live in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. I received replies from three other Canadian Cathe fans, and would love to learn a bit more about the Canadians on this forum. I was born (33 years ago!) and raised in a very small town in...
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    Weight Watchers activity points and Cathe workouts

    I know there are a number of people in this forum who have successfully lost weight combining the Weight Watchers' points program and Cathe's workouts. I joined WW on July 2, last year, and reached my goal in February of this year (57 pounds). Since reaching goal, I've continued to lose...
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    Canadian wants a hat!

    Hello, fellow Canucks! I love knowing there are other Canadians who have heard of Cathe - AND actually do her workouts! If you would like to start a conversation in the Open Discussions folder, maybe we can get to know each other a bit more? Cheers, Sandra - still wondering how she's...
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    Canadian wants a hat!

    Hello Cathe! I'm in the lovely northern city of Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, and get all my videos and DVDs from CK Sales. I've already pre-ordered the Body Blast Series through them, but am thinking that one of those snazzy hats would be nice to have. How can I purchase one? Thanks!! Sandra
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    Question about IMAX, Interval #6

    Intensitylisa and Meredith, Thanks very much for ringing in on this question. I'm reassured to know that it sounds like I'm doing it right, and that others experience the interval the same way I do. I also find it an enjoyable move, relative to the other intervals. From here on in, I shall...
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    Question about IMAX, Interval #6

    Kathy and Gayle, thanks for chiming in on this topic! However, I'm referring to the first IMAX workout, on the DVD with Rhythmic Step and Maximum Intensity Cardio. I don't have IMAX2 (yet ;-), but when I buy it, I'll look out for the interval you're talking about. Cheers, Sandra
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    Question about IMAX, Interval #6

    Hello, Cathe! First off, THANK YOU for providing us home exercisers with such challenging and invigorating workouts!! I am fitter than I've ever been in my life, and it's because your workouts keep me coming back for more. I am a Cathe addict. My question is about the 6th interval in IMAX...
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    New to CTX; question about sequence

    Thank you very much for your quick reply, Erica! Do you have any more specific suggestions for ordering these workouts? I expect that once I have tried them a couple of times I'll know what sequence will suit me best, but until then I was hoping for some suggestions from experienced CTXers...
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    New to CTX; question about sequence

    Hi everyone! I just purchased the CTX series, and intend to begin on Monday. Does anyone know what the best sequence for doing these workouts is? Thanks! Sandra
  12. M

    Step Height

    Cathe, I've noticed that you sometimes change the height of the step you are using for various workouts. Why do you decide to use the 6" height, versus the 8"? Is it to concentrate on different leg muscles, to reduce the intensity of the workout, or some other reason? Thanks! Sandra