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  1. P


    Hello! Just a simple question. Yesterday, I put on my heart rate monitor. I did an oldie, but goodie, full blast with 8 inch step....then I did imax 2. My goal is to burn 700 calories per day. After this....that thing said I burned like 623.....for TWO WORKOUTS! WHAT! Then...
  2. P


    Hi there, Has anyone used Chantix to quit smoking? I have just started it this week. Can anyone tell me about the effectiveness/side effects? Thanks!
  3. P

    What do you think is the hardest ab workout

    Hi Gang, What do you think is the most challenging ab workout of Cathe's? I mean one that is at the end of a workout -- not Ab Hits or Coremax. Thanks for your input! Have a great day!!!
  4. P

    P0X Series?

    Hi all, Wondering if anyone has the correct name for this series and if you could tell me a little about it. I remember hearing a lot about the series at some point and always want to add to my regime. What do you think of this series? Thanks and have a great day!
  5. P

    How long does it take atkins to kick in?

    Well, I bought the strips to check if I am in Ketosis and they keep turning I thought I was doing okay. I have been really strict as well....and have been peeing a lot too! Maybe it will kick in soon....I hope!
  6. P

    How long does it take atkins to kick in?

    Hi, I have completed my first week of the atkins diet and no weight has come off!!! I was wondering if it comes off typically in the second week or I am doing something wrong. Please let me know your thoughts! I really appreciate it. Have a great day!!!
  7. P

    Reinforcements Needed--is it okay to take 2 days off IN A ROW!!!

    Thank you everyone! I feel much better....I guess it will still bother me if I don't workout, but tomorrow I get back to it. It really is a guilt thing....does anyone else have this?
  8. P

    Reinforcements Needed--is it okay to take 2 days off IN A ROW!!!

    Hi everyone! Hope you all had a great weekend and St. Patty's day!! I just want some encouragement to take a couple days off from exercise. I took yesterday off (a little hung over), and I am taking today off (I think--if I can deal). I have been working out so hard for so long, I feel...
  9. P

    BodyMax2 Side Planks? Can u do them???

    Thanks everyone! I will keep on trying!!! HAPPY FRIDAY!!!!!
  10. P

    BodyMax2 Side Planks? Can u do them???

    Hi everyone - Can anyone do these "snowangels"?? I feel like my arm is going to snap in forget about even lifting the leg up! Am I doing something wrong here or are they just really difficult?? This is the first move that I am just like "no way....can not do it!" Thanks a...
  11. P

    Who is your favorite cooking show host?

    I love Ina! She is great...and she and her husband are so cute....her house isn't too shabby either!! I also love tyler florence. But I used to love when he would go to people's houses (food 911). I also loved sara molten.....anyone remember her? She was great!!!
  12. P

    Some food fun

    Foods I don't like...broccoli...brussell sprouts....onions. Foods I dislike - VEGGIE BURGERS! Turkey burgers (turkey bacon, etc)...steamed chicken from asian restaurants....the color creeps me out! Oh, and one time I tried cashew butter (love peanut butter)...I almost threw...
  13. P

    atkins diet question

    Thank you! I have only been on it for two days and I do feel a little sluggish....but I know that is a side effect in the beginning. Just looking for a way to break through as well!!! Have a great day!!
  14. P

    atkins diet question

    So, when does the weight loss kick in? It is only day number far not too bad....but would like to know what to expect. Thanks all!!!
  15. P

    Dental Veneers

    Thanks ladies! Sign me up!!! I agree - nothing like a nice smile!!!!!
  16. P

    Dental Veneers

    Hi everyone, Anyone ever have these done? Are you happy with the results? Thanks!!
  17. P

    Hair Color

    Hi - It is basically just lightening up your root should only take a few minutes at the sink in your salon. Your hair should not be orange at all! I used to have this done all the time and it was great...but not all salons know how to do it. Good luck!!!
  18. P

    Do you consider yourself high maintenance?

    It really drives me nuts when people call me high maintenance, but I guess I am. Just look wise. Used to do, nails, feet, facials, eyebrows etc....any beauty ritual out there I was trying it...but I have chilled a little bit....but now into expensive beauty rituals like...
  19. P

    LauraMax or any other Atkins Success Stories

    Thanks for your replies!!! I think I will try without the nuts....even though I love them!! :(
  20. P


    Hi, Did anyone see Borat yet? What did you think? I haven't seen it yet!