Reinforcements Needed--is it okay to take 2 days off IN A ROW!!!


Hi everyone!

Hope you all had a great weekend and St. Patty's day!! I just want some encouragement to take a couple days off from exercise. I took yesterday off (a little hung over), and I am taking today off (I think--if I can deal). I have been working out so hard for so long, I feel like it has stopped working and all I look is tired! Please tell me the benefits so I don't guilt myself into working out tonight! I know this sounds crazy.....but I am sure I am a little crazy....just a little!
Not only is it OK, sounds like it's a must! You're supposed to take at least a week off every 6 mos. or so. If you're body's telling you to rest, you should listen. You'll be surprised at how strong you feel when you come back.
Two weeks ago was the start of my rest week and I must say I feel great! I was able to lift very heavy Saturday at BodyPump and although it was work it was not overly strenuous. I even did 40 full push-ups before the workout started. I really do feel stronger. Take off a week!! Your body will have a chance to rebuild and thank you for it.

I think when you allow yourself a day or two or more off .. it makes you stronger .. gives your body time to heal .. and when you rest up and get back to it .. chances are you will be stronger and your workouts will be refreshing and energizing instead of draining!!

So go ahead .. it is MORE than ok!! (I took the weekend off .. and feel much better now)

burnout is not a good thing!!
Thank you everyone! I feel much better....I guess it will still bother me if I don't workout, but tomorrow I get back to it. It really is a guilt thing....does anyone else have this?
Take a rest Woman or we'll kick you in the pants! :D :D
Yes, I suffer from the guilt too. On days that I'm really wiped I'll try to go for a leisurely walk or do a yoga or stretching video. It sounds like you need a well deserved rest.
I do the same thing to myself, guilt myself into working out even when I don't feel good, too tired, etc... I do always have one rest day per week though & that helps and I don't feel guilty about not working out that day. Most of the times that is enough to keep me going & able to work out the other 6 days but some weeks are more stressful, busy, etc... and there are days I'd rather just lay on the couch! Most of the time I guilt myself into working out and do feel much better afterwards but when I really feel worn out I for sure do an easier workout-that way it is kind of a rest but still don't feel guilty! Two days off though won't hurt you & probably will do you good. I never work out when on vacation (besides walking) so I've taken 6 days off for that before & nothing changed.

It is all in our mind but trust me I completely understand!!! :)
For me it's less a guilt thing than a psychological thing. Exercise just makes me feel good. When I'm not doing it I get a little antsy.

But the rewards of a rest week are well worth it.

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