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  1. H

    does it matter?

    cathe, thanks for all the great information. i think i do overthink working out and in turn, i get so bogged down that i will skip a day from being overwhelmed! the last part of your answer is interesting especially since everything you read today is walk, walk, walk!! i'm glad to hear other...
  2. H

    does it matter?

    okay-is one better than the other?? is it better to alternate upper and lower body exercises or do all upper then all lower? sometimes i think too much information is not a good thing!! i'm just starting back and feel overwhelmed with everything i am reading. does one of the above burn...
  3. H

    lower pyramid advise

    i'm curious- why do you hold your dumbells differently for lunges than for squats. is it a balance thing?
  4. H

    lower pyramid advise

    i'm curious- why do you hold your dumbells differently for lunges than for squats. is it a balance thing?
  5. H

    What Have You Done After Barry's Bootcamp

    can someone tell me who barry is and what is his program?
  6. H

    choreographically challenged

    thanks ladies for all the advice you've given to me and others challenged like me!! i will keep trying. carol
  7. H

    choreographically challenged

    hi all. i'm returning to exercising and cathe. my biggest problem is i just cannot do her step videos as they are just too complicated for me. (i love her weight work and kickboxing) does anyone have any suggestions of other step videos which are not as choreographically difficult but yet...
  8. H

    OT - Hole in septum

    you should see an ENT doc. i work for one and we do see holes in the septum. they occur for different reasons though the most common is because at some point in the patient's life they snorted drugs.(i'm not saying you have) your nose should not be bleeding constantly. if it is dry, use...
  9. H

    moderation for move

    Thanks Cathe, Maddiesmum, and Beth for your answers. I will certainly print them out and try them.
  10. H

    moderation for move

    hi cathe so sorry to hear you are injured. i do hope this finds you recuperating. i have a question for you. i've always have had trouble with dead lifts. these seem to just irritate my lower back. is there another move i can do that would be just as effective? thanks for your answer...