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  1. L

    Girlfriends' Guide to Pregnancy

    I loved this book and her book How to Survive the First Year but I disagree with the workout section. I used this time to listen to my body more carefully since I wasn't just taking care of me but also a little one. The nine months told me to take it slower but not to take a break entirely...
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    Rotations Club: Bear with me, folks

    Can you please include me too? Thank you!! [email protected]
  3. L

    HELP - bras while nursing (workout & nursing bras)

    I haven't had much success with nursing bras or workout bras that give enough hold for running and step tapes. Does anyone have any suggestions? Pre-pregnancy I was a 34C now I'm a 36D (I think - it wouldn't hurt to measure again)...I usually worked out in a one-size-too-small Champion Jogbra...
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    JUST FOUND OUT......

    YIPEE!! LAST EDITED ON Aug-26-01 AT 09:55AM (Est)[p]I am so happy for you and your family!! Congratulations :-jumpy and please keep us posted on how you are feeling... and if you need any support - we're here for you!! Because you don't know how many times you've 'been there' for me...
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    8/17/01 DVD Update

    Thank you for the awesome service!! I'm anxiously awaiting the new DVDs!
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    Welcome Elizabeth Anne....

    YEAH!!! Congratulations on your little bundle of joy. August has been a bust month for the forum posters! I know what you mean about picking the perfect post-partum Cathe tape for when you start back up exercising again. I'm glad I'll have the new DVDs to choose from by then... but...
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    Congratulations!! Wow - what a quick labor! Hope things continue to go well for you and your family :D -Lisa
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    Welcome Jessica Faith

    Thank you everyone! Thank you for all your congratulations... I'm having a great time as a new mom. And I've been really lucky to have my husband stay home with me for the first 2 1/2 weeks. It's been so much fun for us all. -Lisa
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    What's your baby's "pet" name?

    I've been calling her "glow worm" and "honey bee". I have no idea why but it seems to just come out. I'm sure more will emerge!!
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    Welcome Jessica Faith

    Please join Lisa (Mom), Linky (Pet Doggie) and me (Dad) in welcoming the newest member of our family and our first child: Jessica Faith Cohen. Our daughter was born on August 1st at 8:02pm. Jessica weighed in at a svelte 5 pounds, 15 ounces, and measured 18 3/4 inches long. Jessica's hair color...
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    Chris & Cathe the PS DVD is incredible!

    I got incredible service too. So now I have the PS DVD but no DVD player!!! I have the Pioneer DV-C503 on my wish list!
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    Hi there, Just wanted to announce the good news. I'm 14 weeks pregnant with our first child. I've been exercising throughout but I was mainly walking during my first trimester due to an injury sustained from running my first marathon in late Oct (YEAHH!!) and I haven't been as frequent as...
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    Cathe, Are you attending DCAC this year? I know I saw you last year and was wondering if I might get lucky and be able to meet up with you there again. Lisa [email protected]
  14. L

    Cathe, how is the Wee One?

    all this talk about everyone cutie pies... ...makes me want to have a child! Cathe - I'm glad to hear your little one is doing well.