Welcome Elizabeth Anne....

Chris S.

...our little angel, who was born on Sunday, August 12,2001 at 10:10 PM! She was 6 pounds, 15 ounces and 20 1/4 inches long.
She's happy, healthy and generally perfect (of course, I'm a little biased) :)
Big thanks to this board for helping me stay fit & healthy during pregnancy; it paid off during labor! Now I have to pick the perfect Cathe tape for when I start exercising in earnest again. :-jumpy
Wow Christine!

It's only been 4 days since she was born and you are posting already!! MOM MUST be feeling pretty good! So happy for you all! Give Elizabeth Anne a big hug from all her "aunties" here! Congratulations!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Congratulations to you and your new addition. I am happy to hear that she is perfect! :)

I have only six more weeks to go, and can't wait for the arrival of my own bundle of joy!!!

Congratulations on your little girl!!
I am so glad to hear everything went smoothly for you and you had an easy labor.

Best wishes,

YEAH!!! Congratulations on your little bundle of joy. August has been a bust month for the cathe.com forum posters! I know what you mean about picking the perfect post-partum Cathe tape for when you start back up exercising again. I'm glad I'll have the new DVDs to choose from by then... but I'm sure I will need to modify, modify, modify since I haven't done much in a while (after 6 1/2 weeks of bedrest and then the sleep deprived past 2 1/2 weeks of being a first-time mom I'm feeling a little bit like jello... can you say muscle atrophy!!??).


So many of us post partum at the same time. We should have a post partum checkin. I'm ready to start working out NOW (9 days PP), but have been warned to take it easy (had pre-eclampsia).

Sigh. I hate waiting.

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