What's your baby's "pet" name?



OK, this is silly, but it's Friday and I can't face the project on my desk. So here's the question: What's your "pet" name for your baby or baby-to-be? I'm not talking nicknames here (like "Nick" for "Nicolas") but something along the lines of "Peanut" or "Sweet Cheeks."

I'll lead off. We actually call Lauren "Bean" (or "Lauren Bean" or "Beaner" or "Beaner Weiner", I could go on but you get the picture). There's actually a story behind this: when I first got pregnant, I signed up at some new parents' website to receive weekly e-mails about the baby's progress during the pregnancy. Around week 7 or 8, they sent me an e-mail that said something like "Bet you can't believe that something no bigger than a kidney bean could be making you feel so tired and sick!" Thus, The Bean.

So come on and share! Let's all embarrass our kids together! (Which brings up another question: How long can you continue to use these names before your kid starts telling you to stop?)

My daughter was called Hoobly, Hinky, Geebler , Geeber, The Geeb, The Wodge, Weedger-Wodger, and Muh-Wumby. Most of those names she began to object to around age 8. But if no one else is around the names Geeber and Geeb are still hers. She will be 17 in January. I am religiously careful about not saying them in front of anyone else, except her Dad, and she seems to like it. I think she knows it means we love her. And of course, if I'm mad, I say, "LOGAN!!!" Also, when her Dad and I are talking about her, we say "Have you heard from the geeb?" or "Did the geeber call you about her sports physical?" I don't know if this is typical or not. I am 44 and my mother sometimes calls me choochi. Embarassing, but true. Maybe she still likes me? :)
I call mine "bobies", it's like babies except with and "o", her name is anna, so of course the gets the anna banana or anner nanner.... you get the idea, my other two children have simmpler pet names, they are Punkin and precious.
When my son was born (5 years ago), he had jaundice (not sure of spelling) anyway, he was very yellow. My husband said he looked like a little yellow baby bird.

So the first few weeks, we called him little yellow baby bird, then yellow baby bird, and now he's just baby bird. Oh well, pretty silly, huh? Me and his dad only call him that in our house and not around other people since we didn't want others to pick it up.
Hi everybody!
The first 4 months of being pregnant we called the baby, "amoeba". Then after the ultrasound when we knew the baby was a boy and his name would be Sam, he is now known as "Fetus Sam."
(Can you tell I enjoy an offbeat sense of humor?)

Believe it or not, I call my son "Poopy Magoo". Don't ask because I have no idea! :D
My husband calls him the tried and true "buddy".

Some of the responses you've gotten are too funny! Great post!

Hazel - too funny that you call Lauren Beaner. Since my daugther Maddie was about a month old she has been known as "The Bean." Sometimes The Beaner. My husband is a teacher and even his students know that we call her The Bean. Sometimes we call her Madster but usually The Bean!
How cool -- another Bean! And I love the other names. Poopy Magoo?! I nearly snarfed my water through my nose on that one!

I also neglected to mention that hubby has chosen monikers for the next two (ambitious, isn't he?): The Sprout and The Grub (this was after rejecting The Peanut and The Raisin -- in keeping with the food theme -- because a friend of ours calls their little boy Peanut). Makes you kinda feel sorry for the last one, doesn't it?
I've been calling her "glow worm" and "honey bee". I have no idea why but it seems to just come out. I'm sure more will emerge!!
Hazel, that is too weird!

I don't have any children (yet--I'm 8 weeks with my first right now!), but I remember when my niece was born, I took to calling her Beaner, which progressed to Beanie, Beanie Weenie, Beanster, etc.! I called her this because her real name is Serena and so a cutsie version of that was Sabeana...shortened, that became Bean, and the deal was sealed. Strange how these nicknames come about, isn't it? Anyway, the rest of the family picked up on the habit too, and to this day we still call her any variation of those Bean nicknames. Of course, she loves it, being that she's now 12 (soon to be 13!)..... ;)

What is it with aunts picking out nicknames that stick--my aunt called me Pickle when I was a baby, and it stuck for YEARS.

Anyway, just thought it was cute that someone else called their baby Bean!

Nicknames for my boy...

His name is Erik, but you'd never know it from what we call him. We called him "Cletus the Fetus" (who can't wait to meet us) before he was born. We still lapse into calling him Cletus now. Also, Booboo McGoo and Monsieur Lepoopee Diapares.
What a fun thread Hazel!

Here is a cute one that my brother in law and his wife used during their pregnancy. Since they did not want to know the gender they came up with "little BUG" for Baby(of)Unidentified Gender.

As for me, once Eric was born I called him my little "Pie in the Sky" for the longest time. Then others followed. Lately I have been calling him "chalupa" because he has a chubby buddah belly and it sounded cute.
We called my son, Michael, "the baby" for the first couple of weeks. I don't know why, but we just didn't really use his name at first. Then I started calling him "Punkin" which later evolved to "Punkin Pie". My husband called him "Stinker Pot" or "Biggest Boy". We call him "Sillyness" when he's being silly and "Nakedness" at bath time. He's three and a half now. We mostly call him Michael, but the pet names pop up on quite a regular basis and probably always will.
My cousin's name was Keith, but my family called him Snookums. As he got older, everyone eventually called him by his real name, but I had been calling him Snookums since I was very little and didn't know it was time to stop. Finally, my aunt gently asked me to quit calling the poor boy Snookums.
My little boy, Reece, was a preemie and was tiny when he was born. My mother-in-law called him "little peanut" because of his name (Reese's peanut butter cups). That didn't last long, though.
My daddy use to call me Scooter so he calls my son that also. I sometimes call him Skunk-a-punk (my son, not my dad). Don't know why! Just one of those things. When I was pregnant some people at work called him punkin'.

Well as of this weekend he is now being called "Piggy Pie" because he has discovered a love for pizza and does not want to stop after one slice (well, can't blame him, neither does his mom, HA)

I have a daughter named Madeline (known as Maddie) and we constantly call her Madster, or The Madster. Her middle name is Kathleen, so she gets called Madkat a lot, too. Wow. We thought Madster was so clever of us!

-Claire M.
Our baby-to-be is called "shrimp" because when we told my daughter that I was pregnant I showed her a fetal development chart that said the baby was as big as a shrimp at that time.

My daughter is ten and for some reason I've called her "deek" her entire life. She also gets called "Boogie" because when she was an infant she wouldn't sit still and "boogied" all over the place. Her name is Madeline (or Maddie) and she gets called Madster, Madkat, and Mad rather often. My husband never ever calls her by her name, but calls her Froggy. I have no clue why.

-Claire M.
My first son, Alex, we call him Boomer. Now everyone calls him that! Our second is Owen, we call him Oz. O and Z are his initials. My husband calls them both "Blockhead" sometimes. No idea where that came from! Funny how these silly little names seem to stick. My poor mom, her Aunt nicknamed her
tunafish-Annie because she loved tuna so much when she was little. Her 5 brothers and sisters still call her that. And so do I ofcourse! My Dad sitll calls me Beasily and my brother Squeeb! Love this thread. I got a lot of good laughs!

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