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  1. L


    The Walmart ball is too big for me and I'm also 5'2" I just ordered another ball from it had the cheapest one I could find, with shipping it came to around 20 dollars. I live in the boonies so there are no stores that might have the smaller ball. It seems that most of the...
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    Runners, how often do you run?

    Gretchen other wildlife along highline and the platte you have to watch for coyotes too along the Highline. I swear I also saw a mountain lion twice on highline. Once in the army corp of engineer area just south of Chatfield State Park and once on highline in the same general area. Talk...
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    Paging Leela!

    I'm not Leela But she's posted at the vf site and is doing well, and hasn't had any problems.
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    Sara Elisabeth has arrived!

    Congratulations from me too.
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    Feedback on DVD Chapters

    I almost hate to respond here LAST EDITED ON Oct-25-00 AT 05:48PM (Est)[p]SNM does resond well to the forums and that is greatly appreciated. Your customer service is a cut above. But,I really wanted to mention that if an update had been posted on the home page, there wouldn't have been a...
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    I just wanted to offer some sympathy, although I have no real answer. My daughter didn't sleep through the night until a year, so I think you're lucky. What finally worked for me, was to tell my husband that I WAS NOT getting up anymore. If he wasn't going to let the baby cry it out, he was...
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    CTX Kickbox

    I can't either Daphne I also have been thinking about the punching bag thing. Thinking about hitting someone at 6 am is just too much for me, its hard enough getting out of bed. I have been punching a tiny bit higher, because I'm super short and if one day I really do need to try to fight for...
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    Hi Cathe! (or SNM!)

    Reading new messages LAST EDITED ON Oct-04-00 AT 11:59AM (Est)[p]Duh, my answer didn't help at all, so I removed it.
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    I'm scared

    RE: No horror stories- Hi, my daughter is adopted, and her birthmother had placenta previa. She carried my daughter to 37 weeks, and Marissa was born perfectly healthy. Although our b-mother did spot throughout the pregnancy, she managed ok. She was supposed to be on bed rest, but really...
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    nervous about pregnancy

    Hi Tiny Taebo2, its very normal to be nervous after a miscarriage. Although its not unusual to have a miscarriage, its very unusual to have more than one. I wanted to share info I received from more than one specialist - There is absolutely NO KNOWN LINK between exercise and miscarriage...
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    ANOTHER rotation question!?!?!

    LAST EDITED ON Sep-22-00 AT 01:15PM (Est)[p]Hi, I'm not much of a rotation person, I just do whatever kind of workout I feel like doing that day, trying to get in at least 2 weight workouts a week, like cardio better. However with the crosstrainers, I wouldn't do the power circuit tape and the...