Runners, how often do you run?

I am finding that this busy Mom can only squeze in runs on Saturdays. Now that we have daylight savings, I was thinking about some evening runs.

To those of you video exercisers that run, how often do you do it?

I ran 5 miles today, but then again it is Saturday?
I try to walk/run at least once a week. This fits into a cross training schedule of step and Taebo also. I ALWAYS walk/run with music tapes. I'd be curious to see how many others use music. I am totally dependent on eases the boredom factor, and keeps me at a good pace.
I ALWAYS walk/run
>with music tapes. I'd
>be curious to see how
>many others use music.
>I am totally dependent on
> eases the boredom factor,
>and keeps me at a
>good pace.

honeybunch, my walkman quit into my first mile yesterday. I thought about quitting, but ended up in sort of medatatvie state. It was the best 5 mile run I ever had!

When I do listen to music I like classic rock or hits from the 80's.
Runner's World says ...

I just happened to be looking this up in the June 2000 issue in Runner's World. There was a column in there about being a low-mileage runner. The recommendation was that to maintain general running fitness you should have a minimum of 90 minutes a week spread over no less than three days. So it would be three 30 minute runs, or one 60 minute run and two fifteen minute runs. It didn't mention anything about cross-training. Crazy runners. No wonder they have so many injuries.

When I was walking last spring and fall, I always listened to walking tapes because otherwise I just wouldn't walk fast enough. I've started running now and find that I really don't like the headphones when I'm outside (gotta have 'em on a treadmill, though!). It's a good time to think. I also like to go along trails along the Platte River or the Highline Canal so there are lots of birds (and a few bunnies) to be listening for.

:) Gretchen

Hi guys. My boyfriend just bought himslf a discman so he can start to run. He asked if I could post a question to the runners/walkers on this website as to how they hold their discman while they are running. Do you have a strap thingy to attatch it to yourself or your clothes? Do you just hold it in your hand? It doesn't have a little tab on it like my old walkman used to, which let me attatch it to my waistband.
Tbanks for any info!
I like to run 4 times a week when the kids are in school. During breaks, I only run on the weekends. Running is always my first choice for cardio, so I don't do many videos when I am able to run as much as I want.
I always run with my walkman even though I know it is not the safest thing to do. It keeps me from getting bored and makes the time fly for me. I hold it in my hand, but I have never seen anyone else doing that. I feel like a dork holding it, but I like to switch radio stations frequently and it is easier for me that way.
RE: walkman/discman

Hi Wendy!
It's been my experience that running poses too much jostling for a cd to play properly....ANY model. Walking is ok with them.
I once started a 6 mile run with a discman churning out Def Leppard and ended up listening to the first few verses of "Pour Some Sugar on Me" about a thousand times as I refused to stop for ANYTHING, even a skipping discman!! :) My opinion is that your boyfriend should throw down some extra money for an mp3 player or use tapes. No chance of skipping with either of those things! :)
Also be aware that as we exercise blood goes towards areas where it is needed most, such as moving muscles, and away from areas where it is needed least, such as the little hairs in our ears that detect sound vibrations. This results in people with earphones feeling the need to turn up the sound louder than normal, sometimes resulting in permanent damage to those little hairs and thus hearing loss.
Hope this helps!! :)

When I run (I'm a fair-weather runner as I live in Washington state), I always hold my walkman in my hand, too. And like you I've never seen any one else do that. We're cool dorks!

thanks, dear

I hope this discman thing works out for my boyfriend--and I have a pack thing that MIGHT fit aroud his waist to carry it.... ;-)
By the way, I'm out of funding right now for the shoe inserts, but I'm keeping it in mind for the future. I'll probably have to go to a doctor...(sigh)
Late.. but posting

Hi fitnatalie,

Posting late. Out here in the great northwest we are hours behind most early birds. Just got home from work and saw your post.

Hope to encourage you. I personally arise early and do an aerobic or weight training tape. Then run in the afternoons and or evenings. We have 3 teenage sons, 1 handicapped, and I work part time. My time is limited. My husband & I joined a local health club. I run on a treadmill right before the boys come home from school. Some days with my schedule which varies I go after work. My goal is 4 times per week at 4 miles per run. This is a great cardio workout.

Joing a health club to run has been great. I can't recall one time wanting to drive there...but once there I don't want to stop.

If your children are school age, the health club could be a good alternative.

Best to you!
RE: thanks, dear

Hang in there, kid!

The fanny pack holds your spare batteries, too. I carry two tapes to work into faster speeds (11 minutes 15 seconds per side for a 45 minute walk/run) and the batteries, plus my Y card and keys. I'd be afraid to drop the walkman if I held it in my hand.
Today I'm using my Classical tapes, which means the "William Tell Overture."

"Hi-o, Silver! Away!" :7
I hold it
>in my hand, but I
>have never seen anyone else
>doing that. I feel
>like a dork holding it,
>but I like to switch
>radio stations frequently and it
>is easier for me that

Have you seen The sports walkman you can wear on your wrist? I have one! You can program in 5 different radio stations. So when the rock station you are listening to decides to play Jimmy Hendrix x( all you have to do is push a button and you are on to another station!
I'm reading this thread and thinking that I must be crazy or way off base. I live out in the middle of no where, so running through the fields, back roads, over hill, through the crick ('cause that's how we say it in these here parts) is enough for me WITHOUT music. A walkman may be OK when you want to shut out the world, but personally, when I run, I like the sounds nature offers...and if I was to use a Walkman, I would turn it up instead of off for any Hendrix tune...just my preference. But, anyway, I try to run my 4.5 mile loop a couple of times a week...three is good. On weekends, my husband and I try for some longer trail runs.
Happy running, no matter what you're listening to!

My walkman has 5 buttons on it that can be programmed for 15 FM radio stations and 5 AM stations, so it is very easy to change the stations. But, the wrist idea is very interesting - I'll have to look for that!!
But if I heard Jimi Hendrix, I would not change the station - I love classic rock!!
Amysue, I have to agree with you. As I mentioned above, I had the best run ever last Saturday when my walkman quit working.

Sorry if I offened the Hendrix fans. Personally I think the best running tunes come from collective Soul or Creed!
Gretchen other wildlife along highline and the platte

you have to watch for coyotes too along the Highline. I swear I also saw a mountain lion twice on highline. Once in the army corp of engineer area just south of Chatfield State Park and once on highline in the same general area. Talk about almost messing your pants. I was never absolutely sure, but I sure wasn't going to wait around to find out.

I was also followed and barked at by a coyote in the same general area. Oh, also rattle snakes. I hiked in that same general area probably 2-3 a week for 5 years. On a less scary note, I've also seen great horned owls, deer, and all kinds of fantastic birds around there.

LynnO who doesn't live there anymore.

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