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  1. C

    Cathe Gear Coming Soon!

    My Vote :-) Matching tops & bottoms Baby Doll tops.... right to hip bone with no skin exposure.....scoop neck, short sleeve Fitness shorts......short, draw string, hipster style, cotton/lycra Sweatpants.....LOVE boot cut leg, in between loose and form fit, draw string, cotton, lycra...
  2. C

    Cardio & Weights

    All right, already, enough!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just pre-ordered! I can't stand it anymore. I tried to resist, reasoning to myself that only 3 of the 6 appealed to me but seeing these photos have made the entire intensity series irresistable! I could kill myself for not pre-ordering at...
  3. C

    How about a 2-video special on the Pre-sale?

    I figured it couldn't hurt to ask so here goes I love my Cathes and I'm thrilled about new ones but the pre-sale discount seems so "all or nothing" How about a *2 videos-for $30-something* option on the pre-sale of Cathe's new series. I'd pre-order today. Wasn't there something like that...
  4. C

    How about a 2-video special on the Pre-sale?

    I figured it couldn't hurt to ask so here goes I love my Cathes and I'm thrilled about new ones but the pre-sale discount seems so "all or nothing" How about a *2 videos-for $30-something* option on the pre-sale of Cathe's new series. I'd pre-order today. Wasn't there something like that...
  5. C

    Weight Loss Checkin - 5/13

    Hi gang! Work it, Donna! Congratulations, 180's! You're my she-ro :D The highlight of my weekend was Saturday I did Super Cardio with no modifications! I'm the fittest fat girl around! I forgot to weigh in (can you imagine), I'll do it tonight but this morning, I put on my khakis and I...
  6. C

    Weight Loss Check-in 5/6/02

    Thanks for the congrats and encouragement all! Susan, the paperbag is hilarious. Donna, with all due respect, I despise your husband and his lil' metabolism too! 594 hours till vacation! I know I won't be anywhere near goal for this cruise but at least I'll be improved by then, *better* by my...
  7. C

    Weight Loss Check-in 5/6/02

    Good Morning Losers! I'm checkin' in, all 195 lbs of me, ta-daaaaaa! Not something one would normally be proud of but in my case means I'm another 2 pounds lighter and finally staying under 200 lbs. I really stuck with my workouts last week. I alternated Cathe's & Firms. I kept calories...
  8. C

    Weight Loss Check 4/29

    Hi All, I don't see this week's check in so I'll go ahead and start. Since I'm eager, ya know I must have good news. I fell off the eating wagon twice - Mexican (w/margaritas of course) and a passionate affair with Ben *and* Jerry on Saturday. I know, I know, I'm an ice cream slut but I...
  9. C

    Weight Loss Checkin 4/22

    Hello All Welcome Candy! Congrats to the losers. Kelly, with your determination I'm certain you'll reach your goal. You'll look back at your cursed plateau and laugh. I had a rollercoaster ride of a week. I was really discouraged with my appearance and slow weightloss at the beginning of...
  10. C

    Weight loss checkin

    Well I'm sick of losing weight at a snails pace, so this morining I did the impossible. I got up at 6am and exercised before work. I'm sooooo not a morning person, but I'm also soooo tired of the scale and tape measure! So, I've decided to add an a.m. workout and do my after work exercise...
  11. C

    Weight loss checkin

    Welcome Rhonda! I have no new loss to report, but I'm happy I'm still in the 1's even if it is 199. I got in 5 workouts last week, less than I wanted but not awful. For the most part I kept the calories at a minimum except for 2 days. I tried a new tape with a friend last...
  12. C

    Weight Loss checkin 4/8/02

    Susan, Congratulations Grandma! Donna and the other So-Long 200's Losers - huge congratulations! As of yesterday, I'm a member toooooo weeeeeeeeee. I weighed in at 199lbs after years of yo-yoing between 215-210-205. The main thing I've changed is of course the eating -decreased fat and...
  13. C

    Going on a cruise!

    Have a great time! I'm going on a 5-day in June (currently trying to whip this body into shape) It is possible to gain little to no weight and still have a great time on a cruise. Take it from me. I gain weight easily but on my last cruise in December I didn't gain an ounce. I did what...
  14. C

    VideoFitness - anyone know what's up?

    Video Fitness is just fine. The Firm on the other hand feels like it's been down for decades
  15. C

    any posts for this weeks weight loss check In?

    Crystal Come Lately Hi all! I totally forgot to check-in. I'm still at 200 but I'm happy because this is the first time I've maintained it without going back up to 205. Also, I've lost 1 inch in the hips, 1/2 inch in the waist. I lost focus with my workouts and only got in 3 (I was also...
  16. C

    Okay girls....Weight loss check-in: 3/25

    Thanks! Thanks for the welcome! Steppin' Up, it's so encouraging to hear about your progress and determination. It was just the inspiration I needed. I've gone on one too many vacations vowing never to go on another one at this size....never again! I'm really looking forward to my cruise...
  17. C

    Okay girls....Weight loss check-in: 3/25

    The Prodigal Fat girl returns Hiiii, I was part of a weight loss check-in here waaaayy back when. I dropped off because we dwindled down to very few posters. Anyway, this seems like a great group and I'd love to participate if I may?? I should have reached my weight loss goals over a year ago...
  18. C

    Weight loss check-in

    RE: Hey Crystal!! Sadly, I haven't lost much. I went back to my first post when we started this check-in in January. I was 210. For many months I yo-yoed between 210 and 205 over and over. Now I'm just under 204. I could get depressed but it's pointless and in the past. I started keeping...
  19. C

    Familiar with other videos?

    That workout that you loved sounds exactly like a video from the FIRM!!!! Especially "SuperSculpt",(or "Firm Strength" and "Firm Cardio" don't let the name "cardio" fool you, it's a heavy weight workout that gets the heart pumping).
  20. C

    Weight loss check-in

    Susan Just read your post. Sorry about your loss. I've been there when I lost my Mom, and I can say for sure that love and laughter with family and friends and the passing of time truly do 'heal'. Enjoy your cruise and we look forward to your return. Crystal