Weight Loss Checkin - 5/13


I don't actually know anything - I splurged over the weekend and haven't had the guts to check the weight yet.

I thought I'd be encouraged by hearing from all my favorite losers.....

Hi Katie :)

Hey~how bad could it be? My weekend was "off" also, but I had the best time doing it! My 17 y/o came home from her part time job Saturday afternoon with a "pre-Mother's Day" celebration for just she and I, or as she called it, "her private mother/daughter bonding time," and anyone with a teenager knows that you take the bonding time when, where and if you can get it!
So she comes in with a pepperoni and beef pizza, french fries and mozzarella sticks! My first thought (silent inner voice) was, "oh he** no!" I haven't had pizza in over a year! But I'm glad I didn't say anything aloud, because her whole face was so full of, "see what I brought for us mommie?!" So I smiled, grabbed some napkins and plates and we dug in! We spent Saturday afternoon eating that junk, playing scrabble and yahtzee, and laughing and sharing "girl stories"! I had the best time! :)
And still this am when I weighed in (reluctant as I was!)I was down 1.5lbs. :) 189lbs~woooo hoooooo!!
So go ahead, your splurge can't possibly be much worse than my 1/2 pizza, greasy fries and mozzarella sticks feast!


p.s. it's amazing how some habits come right back. I put away 1/2 a pizza like it was NOTHING! I literally inhaled that thing! But then it laid in my gut for the rest of the day! :( All I wanted was water after that feast for the rest of the day!

p.p.s thanks Katie for the double workout rotation, I just KNOW that's what has counteracted all the "splurge damage" the past 2 weeks! :)
I'm with you Katie, I don't want to weigh myself either. :-(

So many of my social outings revolve around food! It is just everywhere! I sometimes think I have made food my enemy.

There have been so many good suggestions I have copied out from this site on what to eat and when to eat it and I'm so sure I can do it and then.....

I have lost weight in the past...I know I can do it again.....I guess I don't want it bad enough. I keep telling myself that it is 'just' 15# I want to lose...more would be great...but 15# would be good. Blah blah blah blah....that seems to be me on the losing weight issue....all talk and no action! :-rollen

Hope all you other guys are 'losers'.....I'm going to go take a shower...I just did Power Hour...and take on the rest of my day!

Susan http://www.smilies-world.de/Smilies/Smilies_klein_1/comic19.gif[/img] (a little down, but I'm still dancing)
Good for you Donna :)! You're in the 180's now!!!!!

:-jumpy :-jumpy :-jumpy :-jumpy :-jumpy

Susan http://www.smilies-world.de/Smilies/Smilies_klein_1/comic19.gif[/img]
Hi gang!

Work it, Donna! Congratulations, 180's! You're my she-ro :D

The highlight of my weekend was Saturday I did Super Cardio with no modifications! I'm the fittest fat girl around!

I forgot to weigh in (can you imagine), I'll do it tonight but this morning, I put on my khakis and I thought they were going to fall OFF! I'm so tickled at them hanging on my hips. Looks like I'll be retiring these pants in the next month. Just the ego boost I needed to keep going. But wait, there's more good news. I can now zip and button my size 14 calvin klein denim shorts. They're a bit tight but will fit fine by 5/31. So I'm almost officially down 1 size.

17 days until I depart for my trip. There are lots of things I won't be able to wear and that's a little dissapointing, but at least I'll be looking better and that's a good thing!
hi all of you!

well I did ok this week.. managed to workout 6 times and now i am at 190.. a 2 lb loss.. i am excited.. maybe i can get to the 180's too soon! Thanks

Hi Ladies!!! Congratulations to the "losers"!!! Way to go!!! With my nine-day lay-off from a sprained ankle, and having out-of-town company, and a period about to start any second, I ain't gettin' on a scale! Can you say "moooooooooo"??? LOLOLOLOL haha!! We'll see how brave I am next week. I'm just here to cheer everyone on!!!! YAYAYAYAY!!!! :-jumpy :-jumpy :-jumpy

Miss Donna -

Congratulations on making it into the 180's! I love following your progress. You are such an inspiration.
Hi!! Just wanted to say congrats to everyone! I've been a lurker of this checkin for some time now. I've been "dieting" since January 1st and have been on a plateau for a long time. I've been losing and gaining the same 2 lbs for almost 2 months now...frustrating! My goal is to lose 15 lbs, tone up, not run away screaming everytime I pull a pair of shorts from my drawer etc. I've gotten to a 9 lb weight loss and havent been able to budge past that. Granted, my eating hasnt been as clean as at the start of this journey but I eat clean about 5 days a week. I know I have to clean up my eating, and I think this checkin is just what I need for a little motivation. So, wish me luck this week!

:) Stacy
Congrats to all losers!

I also love to follow Donna's progress. Good job on the 189 lbs.!

I weighed in at 151 lbs. this morning. That's down 2 lbs. from last week, but up 1 lb. from two weeks ago. I really need to watch the food intake and snacks.

I WILL MAKE THE SCALE DIP BELOW 150 BY NEXT MONDAY! OK, now that I said it here, I have to make it come true. I need some serious willpower. Hopefully with ya'll's help I will be able to stay in check!

Take care!
Linda: I would love to see 150 again but I'm afraid that number is out of the question for me. Good luck with the willpower. That's what it's all about.

Stacy: I'm kind of in the same boat. Losing and gaining the same 2 pounds. I've been this way for months and it is getting terribly frustrating.

Hollie: Good luck when you do get on the scale. Hope your ankle is tons better.

Candy: Great job with the 2 pounds. Keep it up and you'll see those 80s before you know it.

Crystal: You are doing sooooooo well. Pants falling off is just about the best feeling in the world. That really didn't sound good, did it? Anyway, you have worked hard and you are reaping the benefits!!!!!!

Donna: What can I say...you are an inspiration to us all. I know what you mean about old habits. I use to eat a whole medium pizza all by myself and have room for more. I don't think I could do that now but I sure would like to try!!! :) So glad you lost anyway!!! Sounds like you and your daughter had a great time!!!!

Susan: I'm glad you are still dancing. It is so easy to get discouraged if you don't see progress. BELIEVE ME, I know!!! If we keep working at it we will see some progress. Now repeat that 1,000 times!!!! :)

Katie: Hope you have good news when you have the nerve to weigh. It's terrible that we torture ourselves over the little number on the scale or the big number in my case!!!!

My week has not been great. I have worked out pretty well but my eating....let's just say that I have been nervous (week before my period) and disappointed and frustrated. So what do I do when I'm all these things....I eat and eat and eat. Oh well, I have gained a total of 5 pounds now and am really not sure what to do at this point. We are going on vacation tomorrow to the beach and I hope this pulls things in to perspective and I come back refreshed and ready to do some work!!! I will get serious and busy on this weight thing as soon as we return...PROMISE!!!!

I hope everyone has a great week!!!!!

Kelly http://www.sgtfuzzbubble99.homestead.com/files/Smilies/De_Niro/eeyore.gif
Hi Everyone,

Great job losers!!! Everyone else hang in there!!! I did not lose anything for 3 1/2 weeks. It started with my period - I will hang on to water weight for 2 weeks -frustrating!!! Was following WW but know I was a little over each week. Finally last night I lost 1 1/2lbs. WW has really helped me put my eating into perspective. You can think you are having a pretty good day and then you add up the points and you have 10 more than your range. I really recommend this program. It is pricy though but worth it after 10 years of trying to lose weight. As long as we all have some sort of guideline we can do it. Before WW I don't think I was eating enough. Now I have to eat my minimum points. It is just easy. I am down to 143 from 151 and I have been trying for years. Goal 125. Just wanted to share what was working for me.

Take care,

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