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  1. P


    I've always wondered if it's the same Brian Howe who used to be in Bad Company after Paul Rodgers left.
  2. P

    When does the presale end?

    Trying again... Will the presale be going through 2/29?
  3. P

    When does the presale end?

    Any decision yet? Thanks. :)
  4. P

    Pre-Order The New High Step

    Is $29.99 the permanent price for the topper, or will the price be going up after the presale period? Thanks.
  5. P

    Your New Gym

    I was just wondering about this myself. :-)
  6. P

    Disappearing act?

    RE: Hmmm... sounds familiar... I believe it was because she had just found out she was pregnant.
  7. P

    Where to get extra step risers?

    You could also try
  8. P

    Thyroid's purpose ?

    Hypothyroid I was recently diagnosed with hypothyroidism too. Here is an EXCELLENT web site I came across that answered basically every question I had, and then some: If the information isn't there, it doesn't exist. :)
  9. P


    The Novel Notion cube is soooo worth it though. It's great to have every possible height available. I vary a lot in the height that I use for tall-box work, so it's great to be able to decide whether I want to use 10", 12" or 14" on a given day and not have to worry about being able to...
  10. P

    More Fit People in New Videos?

    You're kidding, right? Since when is someone's fitness level based on how they look? Cedie is a gym teacher, is she not? I bet she could outdistance almost any one of us. And she looks absolutely fantastic to me. As does Lisa, who has made incredible changes in her body since the MIS days...
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    How long will the presale last?

    Earth to SNM, earth to SNM... :)
  12. P

    Fit & Firm Video????

    It's one of Cathe's very early videos...probably around 1992 or so? The setting and picture quality aren't great.
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    How long will the presale last?

    Hee hee, Hedy! At least I'm in good company. :-)
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    How long will the presale last?

    Call me obnoxious (I prefer to think of it as persistent), but...BUMP!
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    How long will the presale last?

    OK, different question then... LAST EDITED ON Sep-27-02 AT 07:36AM (Est)[p]Will we be given at least a week's notice when you do announce the deadline? Please? (i.e. announcing on October 15 that the presale will end October 22...versus announcing on October 21 that the presale will end...
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    Novel Notion Step Box

    RE: The NN step cube is WONDERFUL!!! LAST EDITED ON Sep-24-02 AT 04:43PM (Est)[p]Hiya -- well y'know, it's not fine furniture by any means, so if your living room (if that's where you work out) is full of mahogany or cherry wood, yeah, it's gonna look out of place. ;-) LOL We have very casual...
  17. P

    To Debbie H re: SuperStepper Bench System

    Way to go, Mindi! This fellow SuperStep owner was rooting for you. :) Congrats.
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    How long will the presale last?

    Still no decision?? :( nfm
  19. P

    How long will the presale last?

    SNM, please decide soon!!! I want to get the date on my calendar. Thanks!
  20. P

    Novel Notion Step Box

    The NN step cube is WONDERFUL!!! Money very well spent, in my opinion. It's extremely sturdy, and having all the heights available is fantastic if you do a wide variety of tapes like Cathes, Firms, etc. I couldn't be happier with mine.