Novel Notion Step Box


The Novel Notion step box seems to be what I need because it adjusts to heights of 4", 6" 8", 10", 12" and 14", and the box is a very clever idea. I realize the inventor deserves to be paid for his idea, but I can't seem to get myself to pay $90 plus shipping for a box made out of fiberboard, or whatever that stuff is called. I really don't need the 4" or the 6" at all, just the higher levels for certain PS moves. Does anyone have any creative ideas for substitutions? Thanks!
The Rubbermaid Step Stool is MUCH cheaper. $13.00. I purchased extra risers for my step and I use those for all the bench manipulations. For the sit and stands I use the step stool. I cringe when people say they want to spend that much money on something you can very easily reproduce!! As you say, many of the heights will not be used at all!! Highway Robbery, I say!!
Extra risers are a great idea, except that I don't own a step and don't have room for one. How tall is the Rubbermaid Step Stool?
I for one have purchased the N.N. Step Cube but have not received it yet. I bought it 1. because my dh said I had to put something on the credit card and 2. because I didn't want to have to purchase multiple stools. I am using this for Cathe and for the FIRMS.
The NN Box sounds like a good solution. What do you mean when you say "my dh said I had to put something on the credit card"?? And by the way, what does the "D" in "DH" stand for?
The rubbermaid step stool is 13 inches high and you can get it at Target. It is actually a tool box so you can open it up and put your lighter weights inside..or your vids..extra bonus. What are you purchasing the NN step for?? If it is only for sit and stands and such, then you would be MUCH better off with the rubbermaid stool. Remember, $13!! Hopefully someone else will chime in here and convince you!!!
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Sep-19-02 AT 06:58PM (Est)[/font][p]nancy324-
He said something about we had to put x amount of $'s on it by a certain date because it was a new card or something like that. W/ my dh you do it while he's offering or forget it. He didn't even ask what I ordered. The "d" means dear.

I got it for the reason above and also for whatever height I will need for the FIRM I'm doing. I also liked the way it looked. I had purchased a 11 3/4 " wooden stool at Walgreens, but now I use it in the kitchen. Maybe I'm just anal about "exact" inches of heighth being used. LOL
Another vote for the Rubbermaid stool (unless of course you'd need to adjust it)... Rubbermaid also makes a stool that is about 15" high. I'm thinking that will be the one I hunt down since I still don't have a decent stool on which to do step-ups.
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Sep-19-02 AT 08:17AM (Est)[/font][p]Naughtoj-
It's more than just the sit and stands. I sit on my 17" coffee table for sit and stands. It's step-ups and also that wonderful hamstring portion of SLA. That part has done wonders for my lower back. Also, for the seated bicep work my coffee table is too high. I can't rest my arm against my thigh while seated. I believe there are a few other seated moves where my coffee table is too high also. I have also been using my living room, which is raised on an 8" platform, for step-ups and hamstring work, which is great, but I'm outgrowing the 8" on the step-ups. (I doubt I will increase beyond 8" on the hamstring work, because it's not necessary).

Here is my key question for you guys: I've done PS just fine without a step. But I will soon be buying PH and/or S&H. Will these workouts convince me to buy a step or are they easily modifed? If I get a step, I will not need the NN box, so I am trying to anticipate my future desires. Obviously, I don't want to spend $$ on two pieces of equipment that serve the same purpose! Thanks!
Again, I am going to have to vote for the step. What are you going to lay on to do flyes and dumbell pullovers and such??

If you have just enough room to cram that step in front of your TV..with enough room for you to get up and sortof walk around it...I would say get the step. You will most likely want it eventually. And, you can use it for cardio one day if you never know!! I purchased extra risers for my Club Step but now I am coveting the one Cathe has in S&H...OH NO!!! Maybe X-mas. But for now, I am able to convert my club step to do all the exercises... The square shape of the NN box just seems to limit its uses. JMHO.....

Flys, chest presses, tricep stuff, etc: I lie on a sturdy chair cushion, about 3-4 inches high, with a firm pillow under my lower back. It works really well.
I appreciate your humble opinions! Thanks.
The NN step cube is WONDERFUL!!!

Money very well spent, in my opinion. It's extremely sturdy, and having all the heights available is fantastic if you do a wide variety of tapes like Cathes, Firms, etc. I couldn't be happier with mine.
RE: The NN step cube is WONDERFUL!!!

Thank you so much for letting me know!! It's good to hear from someone who actually has it. (I assume you have no connection to the company that makes it). How is it's overall appearance? Is it something you want to keep hidden out of sight? Your opinions are much appreciated.
RE: The NN step cube is WONDERFUL!!!

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Sep-24-02 AT 04:43PM (Est)[/font][p]Hiya -- well y'know, it's not fine furniture by any means, so if your living room (if that's where you work out) is full of mahogany or cherry wood, yeah, it's gonna look out of place. ;-) LOL

We have very casual furniture anyway (with five cats, no other choice), and it fits perfectly under one of my end tables, so I just push it under there when I'm done. I think it looks better than the Firm tall boxes because of the cube shape. People who didn't know better would probably just think it was a footstool or something.

Someone on the VF forum referred to this as the "Cadillac" of tall boxes. I totally agree.

And no, I don't work for Novel Notion! :) Just a very happy customer.

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