How long will the presale last?


I was just wondering what the ending date is for the presale, as I have to plan my purchases carefully in order to pay all my bills. Thanks!

I saw another post asking this and SNM's answer was that they don't know yet but when they do know they will put it on the site.
OK, different question then...

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Sep-27-02 AT 07:36AM (Est)[/font][p]Will we be given at least a week's notice when you do announce the deadline? Please? (i.e. announcing on October 15 that the presale will end October 22...versus announcing on October 21 that the presale will end October 22 :) just an example)
RE: OK, different question then...

I just wanted to put my 2 cents in as well and ask for at least a week's notice, if possible. :) (Although I hope you let us know the date as soon as you decide.)
O.K. are obnoxious...but then so am I!

Hey, SNM any date for the presale ending yet? Thanks
I wanna know too!

I emailed SNM awhile ago and they said they'd post it at some point in the not-too-distant future. But this is a good reminder. We're waiting, SNM, credit cards in hand! :-jumpy

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