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  1. K

    Karen Voight facelift??

    WHOA! She doesn't even look like the same person. Perhaps the photos are airbrushed???
  2. K

    Way O/T, but need some feedback...

    ((DONNA)) Sad to say, I'm not shocked that this woman would do this in this day and age. I'm AA as well, and many things have not changed. :( Forget that ignorant lowlife and keep steppin' (To I MAX!) I would have sent that broad an e-mail response that said, "Don't hate me because you...
  3. K

    Kathy Smith

    I won't lie --I keep this tape to ogle Michael Olajide!! I did about 10 minutes of the workout three years ago and haven't used it since. One day I'll try the jump rope drills --they're brutal. I couldn't get through 3 minutes WITHOUT a rope!;-)
  4. K

    Cathe, you're an angel

    Well said, Abbe! I agree, Cathe.It takes 2 days for me to recover from your workouts, but I still agree! Did Cardio and Weights yesterday and can't get "Build Me Up Buttercup" out of my head. I loved that song when it was a hit in the late 60's or early 70's:D
  5. K

    Cathe's Fit and Firm

    Oh...My... God... I did 20 minutes f this tape yesterday and I'm so sore tday that I'm resting. My god, how will I do the entire tape? I only used #5 and #8 dumbells! If you haven't done this one yet, be afraid .... be very afraid.
  6. K

    My story: thanks to Cathe & the Cathe-ites on the forum....

    That is absolutely amazing, Donna. Thaks for sharing such an inspring story. Wow, now I feel enough nerve to do Step & Intervals from the CTX set!:D
  7. K

    stomach bloating-help!!!

    I noticed an immediate difference when replaced regular dairy products with lactose free products. I try to eat lots of fruit, veggies and get at least 6-8 glasses of water a day. >if you look up the book title on google there is plenty of >info. One article lists the 4 items that should be...
  8. K

    Happy Birthday???

    That little Boo Boo is a year old??? Give him a big hug and kiss from me!
  9. K

    Step Kickbox (you haven't done one of these yet)

    Putting in my vote for step kickbox workout! I love these sections of Cathe's videos!
  10. K

    Floor Aerobics Tape, Pleeeeeeeeeease!

    Hi Cathe, I love the floor aerobics from the CTX series. Would you consider making another 45-50 minute floor aerobics tape *without* step?
  11. K

    Cathe's Fit and Firm

    RE: Weights Question >Kimba, Oh no... I'm already scared of floor work! Ok, I'm ready to punk out and do the new sculpting tape from the Firm! > >Unless you have legs like Cathe or Superman, DO NOT put on the >ankle weights! My legs were on fire without them! > >I used the same weight...
  12. K

    Cathe's Fit and Firm

    Weights Question I'm finally doing this tape tomorrow (love how it's can be split into an upper & lower body workout). What kind of weights are you using, #5, #8 #10? #3??? This IS Cathe you know! I may even use my #3 weights! Listen, I was using #5 for that last set of bicep curls in the...
  13. K

    Cathe's Fit and Firm

    RE: Thanks Dawn! They also introduce/credit the cast at the beginning of the video: names, ages, etc. >I'll go check her out! :D >Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH > >If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You...
  14. K

    Power Circuit- 28 Minutes of Brutality

    The warm-up is the easiest! I think this is MUCH tougher than the circuit in Body Max (they're similar, to these creaking bones at least!). Try PC with the upper body section of Body Max... all I can say this morning is "Da House of Pain is in effect, y'all!";(
  15. K

    Cathe's Fit and Firm

    LOL! Jesse L. Martin and General Vincent Brooks --the Men of the Hour for me ;) . >I know Kimba, they don't look good on anyone usually. She is >just in such great shape she can wear anything. And P.S. I >know you're straight. Forum jumping here -Jesse L. Martin- I >agree completely! The...
  16. K

    Cathe's Fit and Firm

    I'm totally straight, but does her butt look incredible in those lace shorts or what? Her sister is so cute and looks agreat deal like her. >Heck I have quite a few Cathe's waaaay older than 1995 and >she looks great to me in those as well. I like the lace >myself. > >Edith ;)
  17. K

    Gin Miller

    I have the tape and they are NOTHING alike. The Gin Miller tape is too easy, the cardio sections are EXTREMELY short! It's a great high beginner-low intermediate tape with upper body work. It's kind of boring too, at least for this vidiot who has been spoiled by Cathe! I used the Gin Miller...
  18. K

    Cathe's Fit and Firm

    I guess they're sold out. They had a limited amount when I ordered two weeks ago. >Hey......can you get any more of those? I went to >, but I couldn't find that video. > >Hollie >
  19. K

    Cathe's Fit and Firm

    RE: I didn't get it either... Hey Lady, I'm in MD and got mine this morning! I'm previewing it now. WOW what a change from the Cathe I'm used to --or the style of the tape. I have to adjust my TV because this video is really dark -- so dark I can't see Cathe's face! The whooping is ... well...
  20. K

    Cathe's Fit and Firm

    RE: Got It!! Whooa!!! Does anyone know when this video was produced? Cathe looks like a bad mama jama on the cover!