Gin Miller



How many of you guys have heard of Gin Miller's Circuit Challenge? If any of you have her tape, is it like Cathe's Cardio & Weights? I don't have Cathe's tape but before I order it I want to make sure it's not exactly alike. Thanks!
My opinion is it is NOT exactly like Gin's in any regard! I think Cathe's blows her away! The music rocks and it one of the funnest workouts I think I have ever done.

I use to have Gin's Circuit Challenge but gave it away. I can't remember what all was on there specifically but I do remember I didn't like it enough to keep it:) If I could remember I could do a better comparison for you!

Also if you get the CD of C&W you can use the premixes like the cardio time saver only or compound wts only etc. Great value!
I have both and they are nothing alike. Gin does 1 min. of aerobics then moves on to a body part for 1 min, and repeats the pattern 4 more times with in a cycle and there are 3 cycles.

C&W has 4 cycles, but the aerobics are longer,(sometimes I could swear forever on the box lunge sequence!) and when you move on to the body part it too is more extensive weight work than in Gin's as you do 3 exercises for that same body part. The abs in C&W is also more intense and extensive than the 3 sets of crunches in Gin's.

I still use Gin's workout but for lighter days when I'm not up to C&W or CM. And Gin's workout is fun, especially when you just don't have the strength and stamina to hang with Cathe, so I think they both have their place.


Fitness~ It's a journey, not a race!
I used Gin's tape when starting out. I rank it as beginner level for anyone who aspires to master Cathe advanced tapes in a near future. It equates, for me, to the level of Cathe's Step Heat. I think it is a very well made video, Gin is motivating, it is well balanced program, but I never use it anymore because after conquering Step Works, Imax and the like, Gin's tape hardly makes any inroads on my heart rate any more. If you are already doing Cathe's Cardio & Weights and enjoying the level of intensity it provides, then Gin's tape will be a step backward for you.

I have the tape and they are NOTHING alike. The Gin Miller tape is too easy, the cardio sections are EXTREMELY short!

It's a great high beginner-low intermediate tape with upper body work. It's kind of boring too, at least for this vidiot who has been spoiled by Cathe! I used the Gin Miller tape about 3 weesk ago and it felt like a beginner tape! LOL!

My money is on Cardio & Weights. Get the Gin Miller tape at Half. com or at if they are carrying it.

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