Cathe's Fit and Firm

Thanks Kimba!

I just noticed this for the first time this past weekend. I checked them all out. Yes, her sis does look and dance like her! Thanks for the tip! Did you notice they spelled Cedie's last name wrong? I think they spelled it Boilan. (Boylan)
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Weights Question

I'm finally doing this tape tomorrow (love how it's can be split into an upper & lower body workout).

What kind of weights are you using, #5, #8 #10? #3???
This IS Cathe you know! I may even use my #3 weights! Listen, I was using #5 for that last set of bicep curls in the upper body section of Body Max. I was in too much pain to be macha and proud!

Girlfriend is using ankle weights for the lower body section and that scares the living crap out of me!
RE: Weights Question


Unless you have legs like Cathe or Superman, DO NOT put on the ankle weights! My legs were on fire without them!

I used the same weight as Cathe the first time but found it was too light on the upper body work. So next time I plan to go the next weight up. So on the opening section when she uses 3#db, I'll use 5#db next time, and on the 2nd and 3rd sections when she uses 5#db, I'll use 8#db. I figure for this one we can go heavier because we've already been use to Cathe's style/training. So try it with what she's using but keep the heavier ones close just in case you find like I did that you could go heavier.
And please post back after the leg work (floor), just curious if I'm the only one who's thighs/hips were about to ignite!?


Fitness~ It's a journey, not a race!
I love "Fit and Firm's" floorwork - and no, I don't even consider using ankle weights!!! :p

I always feel like I work my lower body so much harder with floor work as compared to standing. The same is true when I am sitting and doing upper body. I just focus so much better. I want to suggest that Cathe do an hour long tape: all floor work for lower body, and all seated for upper body.

Imagine how deceptively intense a workout like this could be. I can see myself now, reaching for Cathe's "Lie Down and Workout" video, thinking I'll have an easy day, but of course there is no such thing as an easy day with Cathe. }(

>I'm totally straight, but does her butt look incredible in
>those lace shorts or what?

Hahahahahahahaha!!!! Too funny!!! Indeed, Cathe would look good in ANYTHING!! :7

RE: Weights Question

Oh no... I'm already scared of floor work! Ok, I'm ready to punk out and do the new sculpting tape from the Firm!

>Unless you have legs like Cathe or Superman, DO NOT put on the
>ankle weights! My legs were on fire without them!
>I used the same weight as Cathe the first time but found it
>was too light on the upper body work. So next time I plan to
>go the next weight up. So on the opening section when she uses
>3#db, I'll use 5#db next time, and on the 2nd and 3rd sections
>when she uses 5#db, I'll use 8#db. I figure for this one we
>can go heavier because we've already been use to Cathe's
>style/training. So try it with what she's using but keep the
>heavier ones close just in case you find like I did that you
>could go heavier.
>And please post back after the leg work (floor), just curious
>if I'm the only one who's thighs/hips were about to ignite!?
>Fitness~ It's a journey, not a race!
Oh...My... God...

I did 20 minutes f this tape yesterday and I'm so sore tday that I'm resting. My god, how will I do the entire tape? I only used #5 and #8 dumbells!

If you haven't done this one yet, be afraid .... be very afraid.

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