Search results

  1. J

    Weight Training for Weight Loss

    My main goal is to lose weight (40 pounds!). I m looking for a fresh workout with weights. My challenge is that I need something I can do in the mornings for 30 minutes or so. Any recommendations? I already have the Pure Strength Series and MIS, but they are pretty long. I use Cathe step...
  2. J

    Cathe - your S&H tapes

    I, too, am not feeling nearly as much pain the day after (or the day after that, which is usually even worse) using the S&H series. When I use the PS or MIS, I definitely feel it the next day. I prefer the S&H idea because I like to take time to get my form right and concentrate on the moves...
  3. J

    4" Step Too Low?

    I appreciate your comments. Sometimes my knees do get to me, but I think that using a 6" board occasionally (maybe once or twice per week) on an "easier" Cathe tape (can "easier and "Cathe tape" be combined in the same sentence?) :D might challenge me without actually killing me! Thanks for your...
  4. J

    4" Step Too Low?

    I have been doing Cathe tapes for years and years. Before I had 3 kids, I was up on an 8" step. I've been working out 4-5 times per week and am stuck at the 4" level. I'm 4'11" and find that my heart rate is right in the middle of the range for my age (37). When my step is this low, I can...
  5. J

    Tummy Tucks?

    The cost was prohibitive when I got my hernia repair, but my doctor told me that they pull down the skin from the top and then cut off the excess at the bottom and "make" a new belly button where it belongs! ;)
  6. J

    Body Changes while working out

    I am 37 with 3 kids and a stomach totally ripped apart from carrying kids. I'm 4'11 and carried every pound of pregnancy weight in my stomach. My husband has already promised me a tummy tuck when I lose the weight I want to lose. I've had to have a hernia repair for some of the damage, but the...
  7. J

    Cardio vs Strength

    I know many of you have routines/rotations down pat, but I have been off of my routine for about a month. I am really having a hard time because I've not really been able to fit in more than an hour of exercise time into my day. I had been doing exclusively Cathe's cardio tapes and then switched...
  8. J

    BodyPump Bar

    I called the company directly and was told that the fully weighted bar weighs exactly 41.6 pounds (if you have 35 pounds worth of weights, that would put the bar at 6.6 pounds.
  9. J


    Of all of my tapes, I prefer StepMax the least. While Cathe's cueing is always great, she makes a few mistakes and she doesn't come across quite as experienced as the other tapes. It came out in 1995. However, StepJam is one of my favorite tapes. I really enjoy it alot. The choreography in both...