

Hi these are the only two Cathe tapes I have yet to purchase....I was wondering how they were as far as choreography and intensity goes. Although I have the other step tapes, so far I've only done PowerMax, StepHeat and MegaStepBlast. I find PowerMax the most difficult as far as intensity goes and choreography goes. In the end, knowing me, I'll probably end up getting StepMax and StepJam anyways, but was curious to everyone's comment nonetheless. My B-day is next month...maybe these would be a good gift for the darling hubby to purchase ;)

If you have all of her other tapes, then yes, you will want these. Step Jam is more choreographically challenging than Step Max. Both are intense and FUN! Both are also perfect bday gifts ;-)

Step Jam

I don't have Step Max, but I just got Step Jam in October. It's pretty similar in intensity and style to Step Heat. Even uses much of the same music! I think I prefer the choreography in Step Jam, although I love both videos. Step Jam might be just slightly longer than Step Heat, cardio-wise, since Step Heat has the ab section at the end and Step Jam does not.
Of all of my tapes, I prefer StepMax the least. While Cathe's cueing is always great, she makes a few mistakes and she doesn't come across quite as experienced as the other tapes. It came out in 1995. However, StepJam is one of my favorite tapes. I really enjoy it alot. The choreography in both is good, but I much prefer StepJam.
Hi Stacy,
Step Jam is definitely more complex than Step Max. Step Jam has an 8 minute warm up, 47 minute aerobic phase and about 5 minute cooldown/stretch. Step Heat has an 8-9 minute warm up, about 34 minute aerobic phase (the box says 36, but it is less), and a longer cooldown/stretch (about 9 minutes) and seven minutes of very tough ab work.
I really like the last aerobic section of Step Heat (about 10 minutes) and the abs, but overall I like Step Jam better. If you can do Power Max, you can do this one. Step Jam was easier for me to learn.
Good luck!

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