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  1. M

    Need Step Topper Instructions!!!

    RE: Thanks!!! Hi Erin, I need to post a thank you again for the instructions you emailed a couple of weeks ago. My husband built the step topper in the meantime and I absolutely love it!!! You should patent the whole thing and market it! It’s hard to believe the amount of inquiries you get and...
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    Loose skin after weight loss

    RE: adventure holiday Your cycling trip in Vermont sounds awesome too!!! 6 days strait is quite an achievement. I too love any kind of active vacation and yes, shopping, touring or just “lay on the beach” kind of vacations are not for me either. Cattle drives are not for the faint at heart and...
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    Have you ever...

    Yep, that’s when I tell my husband “you know, Cathe keeps changing her mind, I swear she did that different last time!” Much Love, Mamabear
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    Loose skin after weight loss

    Hi ptoner, Sorry, I do not have a recommendation for your daughter’s skin problem, but I saw in your profile that you want to go on a adventure vacation. My husband and two sons went for an eight day dog sledding trip in the Brooks range of Alaska in March of 1998. This was the trip of our...
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    Question for the Educated Crowd

    Hi Honeybunch, Glad to hear that it’s not anything serious!!! Hormone replacement is a good thing and will help you with a lot of the otherwise unpleasant side effects of menopause. I had a total hysterectomy a long time ago (1975) and have been using different kind of hormone replacements ever...
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    feeling good!

    Hi Fit@40! Wow, 65 lbs. - talking about achieving a long term goal! You did an incredible job and have what it takes to be a Personal Trainer! Good luck in your new future career (looked that up in your profile)! Much Love, Mamabear
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    feeling good!

    LAST EDITED ON Mar-28-01 AT 10:22PM (Est)[p]Hi Susan53, First of all, 15 lbs is not all that much – there are lots of people who would love to look at only that. Anyway, there are some other places you can check out for motivation and help without the computer thingy. is...
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    Cute Pet Story Alert!

    RE: Congratulations! Hi Suzanna, The exertion level is there all right! Just looked at your profile – 3 Goldens, no wonder you completed the USMC Marathon in just under 5 hours. Congratulations to a wonderful job!!! Much Love, Mamabear
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    feeling good!

    Hi Deb D, That DietPower program sounds enticing too, especially for recipes. Vivonic does not have a recipe feature. Where did you get that program from, do they have a web page? Much Love, Mamabear
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    Building stool

    RE: Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! Hi ErinF, Thank you so much again, as already mentioned in my email to you I have received the instructions! Unbelievable how much time you put into writing up such a detailed four-page document – and the humor – just great! I can’t wait until my handyman...
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    Building stool

    RE: Yes Please Post! I agree with Nancy, if you post the instructions we all can share the info without bothering you any longer! Much Love, Mamabear
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    feeling good!

    Hi Susan53, Thanks, and yes, it took a lot of work and PATIENCE to get my bone density to a normal level. But I learned a lot in the process and therefore it has been a blessing in disguise. I agree with the encouragement of others and have been receiving a lot from all those wonderful posts...
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    Step Platform that is smaller

    RE: Pretty Please Again! Hi Erin, I sent you an email March 01 asking for the instructions on building a step topper. Since I received no replay I thought you might be sick and tired of those requests. Your post gave me new courage to ask you again. So, Pretty Please, can you send the...
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    Cute Pet Story Alert!

    RE: Another Pet Story Alert! Those stories are great! I have a 120-pound Akita who follows me everywhere like my shadow. When I work out he lays on his bed watching and then too comes for his daily salt intake liking my body all over during stretch out. What is new, however, is his response to...
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    feeling good!

    Hi everyone, I just logged on for the first time after my vacation and read your post, Susan53. Doesn’t it feel great when someone (male or female) tell you “once you are my age…” and then it turns out they are younger than you?! It had this happen a few times (will turn 50 in May) and boy...
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    Morning exercisers... Need help!

    Hi nik13 I used to be an evening exerciser but since I had my first child 29 years ago I switched to EARLY morning exercising. This was the only time I could get it in without anyone having demands on me. Now this is MY time! It’s the best time of my day and I enjoy every minute of it. As...
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    Hi Everyone!!

    Born in Germany, moved to the States 17 years ago. Now live in the Pacific Northwest of Idaho. Much Love, Mamabear