feeling good!

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Mar-28-01 AT 10:22PM (Est)[/font][p]Hi Susan53,

First of all, 15 lbs is not all that much – there are lots of people who would love to look at only that. Anyway, there are some other places you can check out for motivation and help without the computer thingy. http://www.eatright.com is the homepage of the American Dietetic Association and has a lot of info, including a calorie counter that's easy to use. http://www.cyberdiet.com, http://www.dietwatch.com, and http://www.efit.com (customized exercise and meal plans) are just a few of the many possibilites out there. All offer free services and might have the motivation you are looking for. Again, good luck!

Much Love, Mamabear
Hi Mamabear!

I found the computer program at www.dietpower.com. I too have been trying to lose 8lbs. I gained the weight between Oct-feb when I decided to cut my running from 20mi. per week to 10 and do Cathe's weitght tapes only 3x's a week. I am a professional singer and cannot risk getting too many colds and such. So, I started to excersise less, eat a bit more ( holidays, grrrr.)and sleep a whole 2hrs more a night. It worked! I didn't get a single cold or flu , but began to gain a little weight. So, next winter? Sleep more, eat WELL, and lift heavier weight while adding more INTENSE workouts, not the looooong runs I enjoy. I have been upping my running miles, add 4 weight days and 1 spin class and one Interval workout. I am happy to report that in the past 3 weeks have managed to take off 3.5 lbs :-jumpy , which for me is equal to about 3/4 inch in my hips and waist....nice and steady and eating 5-6 small meals 300-400 calories each depending on how much cardio I do ( more cardio= a bit more carbo's for me :9). Two years ago I took off 65lbs. the same way so I feel pretty good about this approach. Good luck ladies, health to you! Deb D
Keeping a food jounal, I believe is important, especially in the beggining. I know that I didn't realize HOW much I was eating and what a REAL serving was, add to this, I found it a good way to keep track of my "nutrition".
Hi Fit@40!

Wow, 65 lbs. - talking about achieving a long term goal! You did an incredible job and have what it takes to be a Personal Trainer! Good luck in your new future career (looked that up in your profile)!

Much Love, Mamabear
Thanks, Mamabear, that means alot to me. Now, that I have the weight off the real work has just begun...how to live this new lifestyle in a balanced manner. Cathe's place helps me in this regard. Such wise woman here, from all walks of life and in different stages of their lives living to do one thing: Live a healthy Whole and balanced life. Very cool!! Take care. Deb D
Hey Deb!

HOW ARE YOU!!!??? Have you started to put a dynaband routine together? Plenty of time for that when you leave this summer. Good to "see" you here! Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)

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