Have you ever...


Been doing one Cathe video, and gotten it mixed up in your mind with another, then been really REALLY excited when you realize that you are done when you thought there was another section?
(I love when this happens)


Done the same thing in reverse..thought you were done, and then went, OH, DARN, when you realized there was another whole section? (hating it...did it this a.m. with Circuit Max)
Yep, that’s when I tell my husband “you know, Cathe keeps changing her mind, I swear she did that different last time!”

Much Love, Mamabear
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Mar-31-01 AT 01:11PM (Est)[/font][p]Yep! Sometimes I'll think a tape is ending and be all impressed with myself cause I'm not that tired and then I'll realize there's more to come!

Happens to me all the time!! Or she'll be doing a move from one tape and it's real similar to another tape and you find yourself doing the move from the other tape without even thinking about it and you gotta' jump back in to it real quick because it dawns on you that you're not doing what everyone else is?!?

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