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  1. K

    hardcore rotation for weight loss!!!

    I just want to chime in and third this request for a Hardcore rotation for fat loss. Kitty
  2. K

    Substitute for MIS?

    Hi Cathe and all. I would like to begin Cathes June rotation from last summer but lack Max Intensity Strenth video which is used in week 2 for seperate body part days. Can you name a good substitute for me? I have Pure Strengths, Slow and Heavys, CTX and The Intensity set. Thanks, Kitty
  3. K

    Cathe PLB weight limit question? and why 12,10, 8 reps?

    Hi Cathe, I have recently returned to heavier lifting and am doing PLB/PUB and Pure Strength. My question is for PLB I can do the squats, lunges and deads, with 40, 40, and 50 lbs, in the pyramids with ease. I need to go heavier but cannot get over 50 lbs. above my head to get it on my...
  4. K

    Cathe, Help neck and traps too tight!

    Hi Cathe. I am currently doing your blast rotation and find that several hours after most of the weight work my neck and traps are getting so tight I can hardly turn my head, if I force it it goes snap, crackle, pop, especially after PUB. Is there a stretch you can reccomend to loosen this area...
  5. K

    ? on doing one body part per day and bodypump

    >Hey Kitty, > > >What is meant by working one body part is exactly what you >thought. A person might work back today, biceps tomorrow & >then triceps the next day. Some people workout longer, but >most work about 45 minutes. > >Hope that helps. So Body pump is similar to The...
  6. K

    ? on doing one body part per day and bodypump

    I read on Cathes page where to get in shape for the new vids she did one body pump class per day and then worked one body part per day doing weights. I am not familiar with this terminology. Can someone please explain? I am assuming a body pump class is like doing one of her videos with maybe...
  7. K

    Form question on chest press

    Hi Cathe, I've been doing your S and H series the past 2 weeks and am really enjoying them. I split them up and do 1/2 a tape each day with 1/2 hour interval training. I have 2 questions.1. Am I doing something wrong form wise in the chest press, I try to follow you but I feel it more in my...
  8. K

    Proper form during chest exercises

    Cathe, When doing the chest exercise from CST this morning I didnt feel the work in my chest but in my triceps ,biceps and wrists. I tried to imitate what you ladies were doing, is my form off? The only time I felt it in my chest was during dumbell flies. Thanks, Kitty
  9. K

    Cathe, I dont feel the burn during Pure strength

    Hi Cathe, I hear about working out till you feel the burn. Yet when I do the pure strength series I dont get a burn. My muscles just start to shake after a while and dont work anymore. For example triceps, till i was done with the cross overs this morning the muscle simply wouldnt lift 7.5 lbs...
  10. K

    Step co step at $30.00

    I'm not sure i'm allowed to post this here but I saw a 43" Stepco step in excellent condition at for 30.00 plus 10.00 shipping.kitty
  11. K

    How long to use the same rotation?

    Hi Cathe, I'd like to know how long you recomend we use the same rotation for optimum results. Now I am doing 2 days of interval max alternating with 3 prime strengths and walking or biking for 45 mins. on the prime strength days. I want to build some muscle but then switch to a rotation of...
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    question on Target Heart rate

    > Sorry, that last doesn't >work. Try this one. > Thanks Frostyjan, That was very interesting! Kittykat
  13. K

    question on Target Heart rate

    I figured out what I was doing wrong. After a hard session such as interval max I would completely stop and take my pulse as it was hard to get when i was moving around, thats when it was 240 maybe I was getting both beats but it really hammered. So after a few times I started taking it as I was...
  14. K

    Getting Lean

    Dittos, dittos! Patiently waiting for a reply........
  15. K

    question on Target Heart rate

    Ugh! I cant believe I am this dumb that I have been counting both counts, but this makes sence. Tomorrow when I work out I am going to try it again and see what I come up with, thanks again.
  16. K

    question on Target Heart rate

    At 170, I feel pretty good, just breathing deeply, at 240 I am dying and dont think I can do it a second longer.(well maybe not dying but you know what i mean) I had to fudge on the last interval, just no energy left. I am just using a 6 second count, I dont have a monitor
  17. K

    question on Target Heart rate

    Hi Cathy and all who know such answers! My question is on THR,while doing interval max, which by the way is fantastic! My heart rate right after the high intensity was 240? WOW. Even after the cool down phases it was 170. Now my rate according to calculating by my age is 110 to 143 for 60-80%...
  18. K

    carb, protein, fat ratio

    Thanks so much! I thought you would probably take in more protein, as you have great muscle definition. Heres to more carbs and less protein!
  19. K

    carb, protein, fat ratio

    Hi Cathe, I'd like to get lean like you, and build some muscle. Can you tell me what percentages of carbs, fat, and protein you reccomend following to achieve these results? Thanks, Kitty
  20. K

    New step user, knee pain?

    RE: FYI! Thank you both dear ladies. I will lower my step! i guess i didnt want to be a wimp or anything, you know the strong woman syndrome, "if i can't do it like the instructor, i am a wimp"! To be honest, Debbie H, The Wedding Tape had me fairly gasping, when told to measure my heart rate...