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  1. D


    Ah, wish I had been in Boston today. I just saw a few clips on the evening news of the parade. We Boston sports fans really needed this one!!! Yes, I agree with you bebop - now we need to focus on the Red Sox. I love Fenway - manual scoreboard and all. Sigh. I hear that ticket prices are...
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    The New Super Step

    Maybe I got a new customer service person or something. Glad to know that someone is researching it! Thanks! Donna
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    The New Super Step

    Someone here had posted the link to Modell's, the company that will be carrying the new super step. I e-mailed Modell's for more info about it and was told that their buyer knows nothing about it and has never heard of it. Hmmm. Donna
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    ATTN: SNM & Rotations Recipients

    Kathy ... would you please send a copy of the rotations to me? I would so much appreciate it! Thank you so much in advance! Donna.
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    Crosstraining tape opitions

    Rhonda ... Gin's tape is great because she gives you a few options for each interval and (like Cathe) cues wonderfully. You can make each interval as high or low as you need and they are very basic moves. Since it is an interval tape, you get a quick "breather" between cardio intervals. I...
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    Sexy Older Men

    No doubt about it ... Robert DeNiro, Richard Gere, Harrison Ford. Now there's a great way to start my morning with that thought! ;-) Donna
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    What is Your Favorite CTX tape?

    Hi, I haven't had a chance so far to post at the "new" forum so here I am! For me, it's a tie between Power Circuit and Leaner Legs - simply because I have seen wonderful results from these tapes. As a matter of fact, the whole CTX series has given me better definition. Can't wait for the new...