Crosstraining tape opitions


Active Member
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Apr-01-01 AT 09:16PM (Est)[/font][p]Cathe please forgive me for asking but...I need to add some other instructors become even with rotations, my body is becoming used to Cathe's routines. I am looking for suggestions of other tapes I might try which are high in intensity but not extremely dancey or jumpy and weight tapes which would add more variety. Good cuing is very important. I already do yoga. Thanks for your help!

Hi Rhonda!

Cathe doesn't mind you asking this. (I HOPE I'm not speaking out of place!!) She understands and always recommends that we shake up our routine with a variety. Off my head two tapes I thought of~Gin Miller's "Intense Moves" and TaeBo can be intense if you like Billy. Also, the new "PowerBarTraining"(CIA 2102) tape for strength looks great. I have only viewed it, but it looks intense. Just a few ideas. I am sure others can give you more tips.

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)

"If You Get The Chance To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!"
Rhonda ...

Gin's tape is great because she gives you a few options for each interval and (like Cathe) cues wonderfully. You can make each interval as high or low as you need and they are very basic moves. Since it is an interval tape, you get a quick "breather" between cardio intervals. I love this tape and probably do it once every other week. It's a great addition to your rotation. Good luck with it! I think you'll like Gin.

RE: Rhonda ...

This was my FIRST step tape ever, and one of my favorites.
Hi Rhonita,

I like Franny Benedetto's videos, which have very good cuing, and are fairly high intensity. Cardio Parties (2K05, I think), CIA 9905 and Kickit 2000 are some good selections to try. She is easy to follow, and a lot of fun.

Sandi M.

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