What is Your Favorite CTX tape?


and I know we prety much like them all. But I just did the first one Step/Intervals/Chest yesterday and I thought: WOW! :D This is FUN!!
That is not the term I usually use working out.

What do you all think?
My Favs!

I LOVE Step'n'Intervals! I'd say 10-10-10 is next in line. I love them all. I can't use any of my kickbox CTX tapes with this handicapped elbow right now, but look out when it's healed!}>

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)

"If You Get The Chance To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!"
Power Circuit because of the extra leg workout, which I always need, and because of the variety.
MY favorite is All Step with kickbox running a close second. In fact, one week I may want to do one over and over(but I don't), and the next week I feel that way about the other one;-)!

I'm like you, murph....I love love LOVE Step&Intervals!!!

Everytime I do it, I can sense I'm actually smiling during the workout....I just love how the whole routine seems to flow together...

Now, as for the intervals....well, all I can say is thank God for that endorphin rush afterwards otherwise I'd HATE them!

Hey everyone,

Don't you just love the music in Step and Intervals? The music just gets, and keeps, me going! :-jumpy

For cardio, my first choice would be Step & Intervals because as others have said...it FLOWS together so well. My runners-up would be All Step and Power Circuit (the sweat just pours on those circuits...but it's a good feeling :).)

For strength work, my favorite CTX sections are shoulders and triceps...and of course the tape I love to hate...Leaner, Meaner Legs :) x(.

Hi, I haven't had a chance so far to post at the "new" forum so here I am! For me, it's a tie between Power Circuit and Leaner Legs - simply because I have seen wonderful results from these tapes. As a matter of fact, the whole CTX series has given me better definition. Can't wait for the new tapes! :D

Hi Donna!

Welcome!! Glad you decided to jump in & post! I also love LL & PC! I don't know why, but when I posted my favs, I was thinking step?? They are ALL my favorites, with the exception of AllStep and that is just because I haven't learned it yet. Look forward to "seeing" you around.

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)

"If You Get The Chance To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!"
RE: Hi Donna!

That's funny cuz I haven't "learned" the All Step tape yet either! And I really don't have any excuse WHY!!!

Hi Terri!

I tried AllStep 1x and for some reason, I had two left feet that day. I had already done some of the other tapes (& loved them so much) so I decided to pop that one out and do another. I really think that I could probably do just fine now as I have finally got Cathe's style down! You'd think after teaching all these years, choreography would come easy, but not to this challanged pea-brain! :-rollen Each & every tape is so fun once I get it down!!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)

"If You Get The Chance To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!"

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