Sexy Older Men

RE: News Guys

I'm obviously thinking about sexy older men way too much ;-) but what about the news reporters - Peter Jennings, Tom Brokaw, Stone Phillips (although Stone's not over 50) and I just love GMA's Charlie Gibson, he's not what I'd call handsome but just so darn cute. Speaking of GMA - what about Diane Sawyer for Trevor?!!? She's a dish.

Gee, I'm beginning to think my list is endless! :)

RE: Al, Robert & Dustin

James Brolin is the actor you're thinking of....he doesn't have very good taste since he is now married to Barbra Streisand, who thinks she is a queen now. I heard he walks behind her and carries her purse! I used to like her, but not now.
I don't know if he is over 50 but my vote goes to .....
TOM SELLECK. Debbie I also think Paul Newman is sexy for 70.
I may be nuts....but I think Gene Wilder would be a great guy to be around. He has such a wonderful face...and I know someone who had met him and they said he was super to be with and not at all full of himself.
I'm a little late here, but have to throw in my 2 cents. My choices would include Robert Redford, Sidney Poitier (sp?), Morgan Freeman, Jean Luc Picard whose real name escapes me at the moment, Jimmy Stewart, John Travolta, Nicolas Cage, (are these two "older"?), & George Harrison. (Always preferred George.)
I may be a little late here, but I have to put in my 2 cents. My choices would include Robert Redford, Sidney Poitier, Patrick Stewart, Jimmy Stewart, Morgan Freeman, John Travolta, and George Harrison. (I always preferred George.) Also, how old is The Boss getting? Must include on any list!
I may be a little late here, but I have to put in my 2 cents. My choices would include Robert Redford, Sidney Poitier, Patrick Stewart, Jimmy Stewart, Morgan Freeman, John Travolta, and George Harrison. (I always preferred George.) Also, how old is The Boss getting? Must include on any list!
I usually just read the "ask cathe" threads, looks like I've been missing out! Just passing through and found the topic interesting. Any votes for Sam Elliot? I'd have to vote for Harrison Ford also.
Cara <:7>
Sue here:
This is easy, Mel Gibson, he should be 50 by now. My husband put his vote for Sheila Ward. Hmmm maybe I should change my hair color to brunette. LOL
Sexy "Older" Men - My DH

Okay, I know you have all probably been hoping that no one would take this approach husband is older than I am and he is over 50...he's not a celebrity but he is VERY sexy because:

he is very smart, in a way that is confident but not rude,
he has a low-key but wicked sense of humor that he only lets
loose when he's with people he likes (which also means
he is open to the opinions of others, but he has personal
values that he will not compromise,
he has true compassion for those who are not as blessed/
gifted as those of us here, and will accept personal
risk to stand up for people who don't have their own
he has put up with some pretty wacky relative stuff (my
side!!!!) without complaint and actually tossed in some
he was the anchor when I lost both of my parents in a short
time frame to cancer,
he loves music and art of just about any persuasion and has
promised to take me to see the Northern Lights (well
maybe he hasn't exactly promised...but he hasn't ruled
it out)
he has eyes that change from green to blue to hazel when he's
po'd, gorgeous gray hair that Clairol would pay millions
to duplicate, and, despite the fact that I can't get him
to do Cathe tapes with me - a physical presence that is
strong and enduring. He would and has done amazing things on behalf of his family.

Okay, sorry for the soap bubbles, but I feel very lucky.

FWIW, JanetH
Sam Elliott...the guy who was born to play a cowboy!!! Cool!
RE: Sexy "Older" Men - My DH

My, the hormones are raging, huh? I have been reading this thread with great "interest". My vote would ultimately be Harrison Ford. I have always thought he was soooooooooo good looking and such a wonderful actor. I would also include Sam Elliot, Patrick Stewart (he can read the phone book to me anytime also), and the one that played on the Abyss. He may have been mentioned already but I can't remember his name. I think he is a doll.

And, JanetH, I loved your post. Absolutely wonderful. My husband started going gray when he was a teenager. We are both now 32 and he is complete gray. I have a "THING" for gray hair. Wowee! I appreciate the fact that you think the world of your husband and that he is so special to you. Sometimes that is a rare thing in this world. Thanks for reminding me that I am lucky too. Great husband who really cares for his family!!!!


That was beautiful! How blessed you ARE!! I am also one of the "lucky ones" with the wonderful hubby I got! Your post was worded sooo beautiful.

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)

"If You Get The Chance To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!"
RE: Janet!

That was a wonderfully worded ode to your husband! I too think I have a great husband...but doesn't anybody else think Gene Wilder is sexy? Only me?
Arnold S. turned 50 and not only does his thick accent just kill me, his body is still to die for!! Gotta love those eye-poppin' bi's!
RE: Al, Robert & Dustin


You a diva? No way! I can't imagine it ( honestly). I guess we all have some "diva days" tucked away in out pasts. Brolin huh? Hey, how about Michael Landon? And, William Hurt in Children of a lessor God? Mmmmm, Babeeee. This thread is getting entirely too long. We need to get on with the subject of fitness. NOT. Bring on the Babters. DebD
RE: Janet! Hi Debbie!


Good hubby's are hard to find - I'm glad we have ours.

Thanks for your other post on the Ask Cathe forum - I thought I would respond here because I don't want Cathe to get mad at us and put triple low ends, power 45's, and upside down flying angels in her new tapes ;-).

I've been sulking since finding out a few weeks ago the back troubles I whined about during the holidays are because of a herniated disk :-( My doctor has taken me off any and all impact exercise, even walking and swimming are too much for me right now. I'm in physical therapy 3 days a week for two months and on anti-inflammatories in hopes of avoiding surgery. The first couple of weeks of therapy I did try to sneak in a Cathe tape or two with significant modifications - no jumping or twisting - but I was making things worse so I had to stop. I want a plan, dam*it, I need a schedule! I want predictability in my recovery! My therapist just shakes her head and says the human body doesn't always work that way. I know things could be a heck of a lot worse for me, so I'm trying to snap out of my pout.

The good news is that with all the stretching exercises they've given me to do, I am devouring the suggestions I see here for yoga tapes and incorporating the poses that won't strain my back. Except for my troubles spots - I'm getting as flexible as Gumby, and keeping some of my strength gains from the Cathe tapes!

Thanks for asking. Hope all is well with you and that you have beautiful spring weather to enjoy.

Hi Kelly

I have the same "Thing" for gray hair. If mine could be the same color as his, I could save myself a lot of money.

I also have the same "Thing" for Patrick Stewart - my heart broke when Star Trek TNG went off the air. Thank goodness I had my husband to console me ;-)


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