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    Low Impact Circuit DVD Premixes

    All the above suggestions sound great but what I REALLY want is a cardio premix minus the blasts. (Maybe that's what everyone means by cardio only?) Thanks for asking what we'd like to see. Very classy.
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    Anyone order Hardcore extreme and you don't want it??

    RE: Anyone order Hardcore extreme and you don't want it... Hi Denise, I responded to your email. Thanks Annette
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    cathe- premixes

    I very seldom post but am a "faithful lurker" and just wanted to add my two cents about the premixes. Please consider having some on this series. I have never used the workout blender option so won't miss that if it isn't there. But, I use the premixes all the time and love them. Also...
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    sending body blast dvd's

    My DVD finally arrived yesterday. Karri, did yours come yet? Annette
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    sending body blast dvd's

    Karri, Don't feel lonely, mine didn't come yet either. I'm going to wait until end of day tomorrow and if it still hasn't arrived, I'll email customer service again. I'm trying to not overreact - it is only a DVD - but I am very disappointed. Annette
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    sending body blast dvd's

    Nothing in Ohio as of yesterday's mail. This is getting ridiculous. Annette
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    sending body blast dvd's

    I don't have mine either. I was REALLY hoping it would arrive no later than yesterday (Saturday). I know it will get here but I'm beginning to get impatient. Hopefully this week, right? Annette
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    As anyone done Timesaver???

    Hi, I've done the first 3 workouts and absolutely loved doing them. I felt worked out but not wiped out and getting done in under an hour is like a gift to me. I work out in the evening after work so having an extra 15 or 20 minutes to read or do other things is great. Some may not...
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    customer service very rude!

    Hi, I just wanted to let you know that I also received an extra Timesaver disc in a Supersets/Push,Pull case. I sent an email last night around 8:30 PM and received a prompt reply. SNM is sending a Supersets/Push,Pull disc and a mailer for me to return the Timesaver disc. Hopefully...
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    Not sure I can resist Susan Harris

    I don't have the new Susan Harris video so can't answer your questions but have been seriously thinking about ordering it. I REALLY don't need another workout right now. I have so many that I need to dispose of. BUT, the temptation may prove to be too strong and it might be a good filler...
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    For Catheites

    I'm 44 and discovered Cathe 4 years ago. The wedding video was my introduction to her and boy was it tough for me. (sometimes it still is!) Annette
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    cathe shirts?

    Hi I very rarely post, but visit here every day and glean all the wonderful advice! Anyway, count me in!!! Tank top to work out in, long sleeve jewel neck T, babydoll V-neck T. I would buy them all. Woohoo! Perhaps these could be available along with the new videos and I could have a...
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    Suggestions? - Lower Bosy Split

    I love the idea of the ability to split between standing and floorwork.........perfect!!
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    Suggestions? - Boot Camp Circuit

    45 minutes for this one would be great. It's always nice to have a tough but shorter workout as an option for those days when exercise time is minimal. Also, would like to see the cardio portion have a kickbox flavor. Thanks!!!!!!!!!!!
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    Suggestions? - Cardio and Weights

    If the cardio is going to be higher impact please don't have the weight cycles with legs. On the other hand, if the cardio will be low impact, then working the legs would be OK. Either way, it doesn't really matter. I'll want it anyway. I've already called by husband at work this morning and...
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    Suggestions? - Muscle Endurance

    Circuit style sounds great! And the more compound moves - the better. Can't wait!
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    Quitting Smoking & Exercise Advice

    Hi greybird, I don't have any training advice as to how not to gain fat after quitting smoking but I can tell you that even if you do gain a few pounds the benefits of quitting make it so worth it. I quit 2 years ago (smoked for 20) and with regular exercise and sometimes watching what I eat...
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    Kathy Smith....

    I really like her Weight Loss Workout. It is mostly low impact but you can modify most of the moves to higher if you want. I don't feel completely wiped out after doing this, just pleasantly worked out - if that makes any sense!
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    NJ dog needs home, thought maybe i could help him

    RE: Anyone else an animal lover? Has anyone heard of an animal sanctuary in Utah called Best Friends? They are a no kill facility and have hundreds of dogs, cats and whatever else needs a home. I don't know their address or email but received my donation reminder yesterday and will try to get...
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    Top ten non-cathe videos!

    RE: Ditto I know Kathy Smith doesn't produce tapes geared toward advanced exercisers, which I don't consider myself at all anyway, but I still enjoy doing her Power Step, Weight Loss and Secrets of a Great Body tapes. I also like Charlene Prickett. Her choreography is simple; ie: Low Impact...