sending body blast dvd's

Sounds like I'm the only one left who hasn't gotten the replacement DVD yet ;( I'm glad to hear that the rest of you got yours. I'll give it another day and then I'll definitely be emailing customer service again if I don't get it in the mail tomorrow. BTW, the times I have emailed customer service about it, they never asked for my address or anything. Did you all have to give them that info?

You all enjoy your SS/PP DVDs. It does sound like it's worth the wait:)

Hi Karri,
No, they didn't ask me for any information either. They just told me that they were finishing up getting them all mailed out and should be done by the weekend, which was this past weekend. It sounds like you are one of the last to get yours. I don't blame you for being upset, I would be so mad, I would contact them again. I'm sure you'll get it, but I would let them know again that you have not got it yet!


Don't feel lonely, mine didn't come yet either. I'm going to wait until end of day tomorrow and if it still hasn't arrived, I'll email customer service again.

I'm trying to not overreact - it is only a DVD - but I am very disappointed.

Thanks for the replies, Annette and Michelle. I'm trying not to overreact also. I guess I've gotten spoiled by how great the customer service response/turnaround time usually is! I know it sounds silly, but I guess it just irks me that I preordered and paid in May, but I still don't have everything I paid for, and yet there are people who are just now putting in their orders and getting everything. x( Okay, end of rant. Thanks for listening. I'll put a happy face back on }( and hope to see my long-awaited DVD by the end of the week.

I don't have what I paid for either. while I listen to you all raving about the DVD's mine were confiscated. And as far as customer service goes, I got no help at all, in fact I bought a new set and paid full price. No offer of a discount either, after all, they still made money from me. They have just lost a customer and I feel so sad that you lot didn't get what you asked for either.


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