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  1. S

    Low Max..Not for Wimps

    >Hmm?? Am I the only one who DIDN'T like this workout? I tried >it this morning and my opinion of this one totally differs >from the rest here. This one reminded me more of a leg workout >with a bits of cardio just thrown in. I was actually thinking >to myself, " How much longer 'til it's...
  2. S

    IMAX3-Long Blasts, Short Recoveries

    Note to self... Do IMAX3 on a 4 inch step when/if you get up the nerve to tackle it...:o (You guys have me really "scurred" now... ;( )
  3. S


    >>I loved the music, but it is low. > >Cathy:-) You're right... it IS low... I actually didn't even notice it for a lot of the workout. Maybe it was because I was too busy trying to learn the choreography... but I do remember thinking at the end of the workout that I didn't even know...
  4. S

    IMAX3-Long Blasts, Short Recoveries

    >Did anyone else notice how long the blasts are and how short >the recoveries are compared to IMax1 and IMax2? > > > >Oh Lord...:o That Cathe sure loves to "challenge" us, doesn't she?? }( I haven't done my IMax3 DVD yet but now I'm kind of dreading it...:P I hope that there is a fun...
  5. S


    >Also, my heart >rate didn't get that high during the step sequences. I felt that way as well. I just didn't have that "Wheew! Great cardio workout!!" feeling that I normally have after working out with other tapes... I'd say this workout is more of a leg muscle conditioning workout...
  6. S


    OK, I'm back with my review... I did LowMax last night and please don't let the name fool you, it's TOUGH!!! It has A LOT... I'll say it again, A LOT!!! of tough leg work... lots of squat moves, lunges, high kicks, etc.... by the end of the tape, my legs were screaming for mercy x( and I was...
  7. S


    I was planning on doing Cardio & Weights tonight but got to work and checked my email and saw my UPS delivery confirmation message!! Woo Hoo!! So, if it is delivered today (like the conf. says...) I'll be doing LowMax tonight instead!!! Can't wait!!!! Has it seemed like we've been waiting...
  8. S

    Tried out Christi Taylor- she's no Cathe!

    RE: Diane Sue? I feel the same way about most of my workout videos that aren't Cathe... they seem so much more difficult to learn to me, for some reason!! I mean, if i really try hard at them, I can get it, but I usually don't have the motivation to learn... when I work out, I want to WORK OUT...
  9. S

    Chistmas present for Cathe

    Cathe, THANK YOU: 1. For making the absolute best workout tapes on the planet, and using the hottest and most motivating music to make all your workouts more enjoyable than anyone elses!! :::BIG thumbs up!!::: 2. For consistently pushing us up to and beyond our limits in each and every...
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    $60 to $100 TIP??!! That's insane!! I'd probably just give maybe an extra $20 or $30... and that's ONLY if their moving price was very reasonable (if I felt that the job they did was worth more...)
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    I think that knowing they're being filmed gives them the motivation to be extra smiley!!! They want to look like they're having fun, not like they're about to pass out (like most of us probably look when doing the videos at home!!!) LOL!!! :P
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    >I love doing IMAX2 after a good heavy leg training!! }( >Susan C.M. GOOD GRIEF!! What are you, a masochist???!!! :P LOL!!!
  13. S

    Which Cathe when not feeling well?

    >I would suggest perhaps not working out at all? If you feel >the need to do something, how about a CTX cardio, or Cardio >and Weights. Cardio & Weights???!!! That's a pretty tough one for someone who isn't feeling well, IMO!! I usually do Step Heat when I'm not feeling 100%. That, or...
  14. S

    Cathe's Comments in Circuit Max

    Well, it looks like I gave Circuit Max some "publicity" from my post, huh?? :7 Pinky, I'm glad I'm not the only one out here who doesn't want to do extra!! Cathe's workouts are ALWAYS tough... I think that I have a love/hate relationship with her!! And on those workout days when I don't...
  15. S

    Cathe's Comments in Circuit Max

    >It does kind of sounds awful but just wondering if she meant >it in a different way like saying Cathe is one tough lady >which I love about her:) Oh my gosh!!! I didn't mean for the post to sound so awful, and that's exactly it...NO NO NO, I didn't mean it LITERALLY, guys!! I really LOVE...
  16. S

    Cathe's Comments in Circuit Max

    OK, this is just a pet peeve that I have, so don't anyone shoot me, OK?? :P I HATE when Cathe is counting out lunges during one part of Circuit Max, and she gets to the last couple and says "I believe we have ONE more...These guys NEVER wanna do extra..." She just sounds so self-righteous...
  17. S

    What do you do when you are sore?

    >If I'm feeling DOMS really really bad ; I take some motrin >then get my jacuzzi ready with some epsom salts, turn on my >tub and soak for a good while. Letting the jets massage me. >:) Jacuzzi, huh?? OK, who else is JEALOUS???!!! :P That sounds fabulous!!:7
  18. S

    People seeing you work out....

    Oh Man!!! :o I don't think I'd work out if I had to do it in front of the neighbors!! Actually I'd keep the garage door closed and die of heat exhaustion before I'd open it and let everyone see me!!!:7
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    People seeing you work out....

    Thanks ladies (and Trevor!!) for your responses, and thanks Joanne!! It actually has worked out okay so far... My daughter has one friend next door that comes over a lot, and they usually just hang out at her house when I have to work out. I just wonder what I will do when she gets older and...
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    People seeing you work out....

    Will you guys work out in the presence of other people besides your immediate family??? I don't have a basement, so I have to work out in the living room, 3 evenings a week. Sometimes I feel so guilty, cuz everything has to be planned around my workouts!! I have a 14 yr. old daughter, and...