

Ok seriously, how i the world do the girls keep smiling. I mean the new wo's look tough. I know they get breaks and all, but you can still see times when they are working their keasters off and still smiling... maybe all of Elle Woods anti husband killing Endorphine's !

I think that knowing they're being filmed gives them the motivation to be extra smiley!!!

They want to look like they're having fun, not like they're about to pass out (like most of us probably look when doing the videos at home!!!) LOL!!! :p
Wouldn't it be funny if just once, at least one background exerciser stopped what she was doing and said, " Oh, Cathe, your killing us back here!" or when she decides to put in one more set of leg presses, they say, "you gotta be kidding me!" Well, ok, thats what I say most of the time.:D
Oh I think they do say stuff like that, it's just that Cathe's the only one w/a microphone. I know on a few of her tapes when she says "one more set" or "we're in the home stretch" you can hear the girls commenting in the background, you just can't quite make out what they're saying......I think in one of the tapes (Powermax maybe) Cathe says "I heard that!" & I'm pretty sure it was in response to one of those comments.........
Well, if you notice is MIC - Cedie as ALL smiles at the beginning of the workout - but is looking pretty darned serious by the end.

I think it must be a requirement that you can hold a smile through anything. Like cheerleaders and beauty pageant contestants
I think they have trained themselves to smile when they feel a grimace coming on. When you feel like your face has to get into the workout, turn those corners of your mouth UP instead of down.
That said, there is one picture in the HC series where Jai looks pretty darn serious!
Maybe they are smiling while they bite the inside of their lip. To keep from saying some of the things I say when "the going get tough!"
Some of Cathe's low-end work can sure force some ugly things out of my mouth!! :) Renee
Have you ever noticed the "dirty" looks that Rhonda occasionally throws at Cathe? Hee hee...she also shakes her head in apparent disbelief sometimes.

I never noticed "dirty" looks, but definitely "oooh" kidn of looks. She's kind of sexy, don't you think?

I was thinking about this post while doing MIC this morning. I wonder if maybe they have a sign that says "SMILE" tacked to the wall in front of them. Or maybe a really goofy picture that makes them laugh?

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