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  1. T

    Calorie Burn With Shock Cardio

    I did the 34 minute premix from Cardio Core Circuit. My GWF said I burned 135 calories compared to 196 cals on my Polar HRM. My HRM overestimates calorie burn around 20-30% in general.
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    No NJ Housewives Reunion thread??

    I'm dying to know what Danielle did!! I thought she might have hired someone to beat Dina up. Caroline wouldn't have been so mad if it was something so petty.
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    Love Cardio Drills! Suggestions please???

    Here's another vote for the cardio only premix in Boot Camp (Intensity Series) and the drills in Kick Max.
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    No NJ Housewives Reunion thread??

    Did everyone see this link? It looks like Danielle lied about her past. I'm not shocked.
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    What happened to the blog link on the homepage?

    I haven't been online for a few weeks. Has it been removed? I can't find it.
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    4DS KB & BC cardio--YOWZA!

    Is the BC cardio easy to modify for a smaller workout space? Thanks!
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    Review of Bis & Tris, Boot Camp and Kick Box

    Thanks for the detailed review. I can't wait to try these!!! The cardio in BC sounds like a blast!
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    Speaking of slobs......another work rant

    Sorry Laura. I misread your post. It is probably best that she is transferred to a different department.
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    Speaking of slobs......another work rant

    While I think the employee is wrong for not following the dress code, I would not appreciate my boss saying I dressed like a slob even if it was in a joking manner. That is unprofessional. I have to agree that this has went on a long time letting her dress in jeans. She probably thinks you...
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    Exercising too much? How much is too much?

    "If you want to get even leaner, you're going to have to really watch what you eat." I would agree with this statement. Diet usually determines how low your BF% can lower.
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    Running in place???

    I do running in place/high jogs in between my weight circuits and I don't have any problems with my 37 year old joints. I do a joint mobility warm up before doing high impact and I have no problems.
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    New series--please consider showing us how to modify......

    I have found a good replacement for richochets. I do repeater knees.
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    Already my least favorite?

    I'm a klutz when it comes to choreography. What I do is watch the workout one time through before attempting it. That usually helps me get the steps down 99% of the time. Personally I do not want a breakdown chapter. I'd rather that space on the DVD be used for another premix. I am...
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    Low Max and Low Max Circuit

    I love both of these workouts. They are both easy on the joints. There are premixes on both DVDs that allow for shorter workouts. I think LIC is a bit more fun because it also includes some lower and upper body work in between the cardio sections. Low Max is slightly trickier in choreography...
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    Cardio only premixes

    Please make some premixes with just the cardio sections only. Maybe you could string all of them along so we can have one long cardio challenge. Thanks!
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    how long does every one here work out

    I workout 3-5 days per week from 30 minutes to 60 minutes per session. I workout a lot less now than I used to. For me working out more did not necessarily give me any gains in strength or body composition.
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    PB2 vs. the real thing

    I love PB2. It's just like regular peanut butter.
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    What's effective for loosing inches from lower body?

    For me recently, it has been my diet. In the past I've had success with doing cardio each day and working my legs out 4-5 days per week using lighter weights.
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    Mascara Fanatics - Need some help!

    Benefit's Bad Gal, Loreal Volumous or Lash Out. Benefit's is hands down my favorite though.
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    Cathe - AMEX

    Good morning Cathe! I was wondering why you don't accept American Express as a payment method for your workouts? Please consider adding them to your accepted payment methods in the future. :-)